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Select problem (Shut down on powering up)


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First of all, does this happen with the Select connected to the layout. If so, disconnect the 'Track' output of the Select and test again. Is anything then different? If so what.

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Do you have a multimeter that you can use to check the output from the transformer. It may be a dodgy socket in the Select so you have to prove the plug is OK first. If it seems to be the socket then get onto Hornby to see if they will repair it.

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You are trying to measure the output of the transformer to prove it is the correct value - put the red meter probe into the barrel of jack plug of the transformer that plugs into the Select and the black probe onto the outside of that barrel. You should get 15v DC when the transformer is switched on. That will prove the transformer is working. Do not apply the probes to the three pins that plug into the wall socket. You do not apply the meter probes to the Select.

If the Select is still not booting up there is no other check you can make.

If the Select boots up but fails if you wiggle the transformer jack plug, either the transformer lead is faulty, maybe a broken wire (try a different transformer) or the socket in the Select is faulty, which will require repair by Hornby unless you are adept with the soldering iron and can find the correct replacement socket. There has been a recent post about sourcing these.

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Sometimes to ensure a good connection between the red meter probe and the inner pin of the power supply DC connector [because the insulation on the meter probe is getting in the way] it can be more reliable to insert the end of a straightened paper clip into the connector and then touch the red meter probe to the paper clip.

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