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Quick select window too short.

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I now have 23 locos loaded into RailMaster. When I open the Quick Select window I find that the bottom three have their description cut off. Is this just my computer or does anybody else find this and I should report it as a bug to RailMaster.


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I have more locos than that, but the Quick Select window is one I never use. If you have more than 24 locos defined, you can see nothing at all of those past the first 24. What it needs is a vertical scroll bar down the right hand side. It would make it "not so Quick Select" to access those later locos !!


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Hi @Ducky1

I use the Quick Select window just like you and I may have a few too many locomotives too. :-)

Whilst Railmaster is rough round the edges this one is easily workroundable. As @St1nkg4y correctly says a scroll bar would help and wouldn't be too difficult to implement.

However, the workaround is to 'drag' the centre part of the panel with the locos on it either with the mouse or on a Touch screen with your finger. This will give access to the lower locomotives on the screen quite easily.



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