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Setting a consist with TTS


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Have a read of this information article that explains different types of consisting terms.


TTS decoders can't use "Advanced" consisting as there is no support for CV19 in a TTS decoder.

This means your options are a "Basic" consist where you manually give both decoders the same address permanently OR the "Command Station" assist which will be subject to individual "Command Station" capabilities [see further below]. If the C.S. is making use of CV19 in the decoders to facilitate the consist, then this will not work with TTS Decoders as previously stated. Your only option may be the Basic Consist which is obviously not ideal.

In the linked article, "Forced" is mentioned near the top of the page in the section titled "Terms" and relates to a certain type of "Command Station" consisting and again later in the article under the Command Station section.

I haven't read the Prodigy Express manual to see what its "consisting" capabilities are, but it is, I assume, an entry level Prodigy product given the "Express" part of the name. If it supports "Basic Consisting : Command Station Based" [this term is taken from the linked article] then that is, according to the article, a "Forced Consist" and should work with a TTS decoder.

By reading the linked article and thus knowing what "Forced Consisting" means, should make it easier to read the Express manual to see if it is supported. [EDIT: Flashbang's reply below confirms that the Express (as shipped) doesn't support "Forced Consisting".]

The issue with "Command Station Basic Consisting [Forced]" is latency of the DCC commands being sent [if the layout is large and the number of active locomotives high]. This is because with a "Command Station Forced Basic Consist", the command station has to sequentially send commands to two different addresses. Thus if there are a number of locos active on the layout there could be a time delay [latency] between both locos receiving their individual command.

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In basic terms there are three types of consist.

Decoder - where each decoder adopts a consist address using CV19 as pointed to by Chris. The command station sends to this address and the consisting locos respond as one.

Command Station - where each decoder is controlled in concert again as told by Chris.

Software - where the package such as Railmaster takes the Command Station method and sends to each decoder in concert.

The first method requires a suitably capable decoder in each consisting loco.

The latter two methods will work with any decoder.

It is worth noting that whilst in a consist a loco will not respond to its own address, which means that using a banking engine in a consist will not work if you want to drop away at the top of the hill.

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The Prodigy Express handset does not support old style Universal Consists. It can only operate Advanced Consisting (CV19). However, if a Prodigy Advanced 2 handset is plugged into the base of the Express both types of Consist can be operated. Note though, only one old style Universal consist can be operated regardless of the number of handset used.

So, as the TTS range is Universal old style consisting only (No CV19 support) then as supplied, the Express cannot operate the decoder in consist.

Consider giving two locos the same address number which will allow them to work together on one address set of commands, but not quite as a true consist!

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