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Hornby Class 156 Motor Bogie availability


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Hello to everyone.

I have looked every where online to see if I can get from anywhere Hornby Class 156 Motor bogie and nobody have in stock.

I am just wondering if by any chance anyone in this forum have one sitting in there drawers or cupboards and they are willing to give it to me or sell to me?

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Be aware that there is no 'Private Messaging' capability of this forum, therefore using this forum for buying & selling is not permitted.

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,.............therefore using this forum for buying & selling is not permitted.



Another question Chris,

What are forum rules in term of selling somewhere else but posting a link here for fellow Modeller so maybe some body in need of cheap but correct parts can benefit from it?

Please advise


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That is very much a grey area. Technically, you are not selling on this forum, well not directly. But you are potentially receiving a financial gain from providing a link to a listing where you are selling something in your own name.

The last time we sought guidance from Hornby on this issue of providing links to off site selling by members. We were told that this was acceptable as long as the member making the post was not makiing any personal financial gain from the post.

This guidance was specifically aimed at preventing members who have a "business interest" from advertising their own services. As to whether a link you post will be removed or not, will depend upon your post. If your posted link indicates that you are selling items as a money making exercise, then that is more likely to be deemed as a "personal financial gain business interest".

Could I humbly request that you do not use the "within post blue button" to reply for every post you reply to. It really isn't necessary to duplicate the previous post, particularly if your reply is directly below it. If you do use the "blue button" then it is desirable if the duplicated post content is truncated in an edit to just the salient sentence you are replying to, rather than duplicating the whole of the post. As demonstrated by the edits that have been applied to much of your posting history. The "blue button" process is flawed, as it doesn't state the member ID of the post you are replying to.

It is preferred if the "Reply Text Box" at the bottom of the page is used. Start your post with @username of the member who you are trying to bring your reply to the attention of. As I have done in this reply by starting it with @Nadeem. Not only that, but if you use the 'blue button' on any post containing an image, your reply will be held back for approval and will not appear instantly. Using the 'bottom of page' text box is a far more effective and efficient replying method.

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Thanks for your detailed explanation, my intentions are not personal financial gain, rather recuperate what I spent on the loco and my motive is if we can help each other by exchanging some parts. As we can not exchange personal information on this Forum, that only leave one option where each other information can be discreet all the time but still help each other by sharing or exchanging items, as eBay doesn't allow personal information exchange unless one buy from seller.

I posted my Class B12 Loco which is on sale on eBay, link for that is on another conversation and if breaches Forum policy by all mean remove it.

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Quote extract rom previous page "...........my intentions are not personal financial gain, rather recuperate what I spent on the loco............."

I have followed the link in the other thread, it is clear you are not a business seller. I'm happy to leave the link visible as is .... if it should get moderated at some future time, it will have been by one of the other mods and not me.

Also, thank you for complying with the 'how to reply' request. Your threads read much easier as a result.

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This is a rule from the old forum about links, which doesn’t show on here at present, but is used as guidance by moderators. Its main purpose being to avoid links to covert personal sales sites.

If you are linking to external content, you should link directly to that content. It is unacceptable to use link-thru systems to mask the originating URL, and cases where this is found to be happening may be edited or removed as appropriate.

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@Deem avoid spare part preorders with that well known firm. They are at the mercy of Hornby which means you may never get it, not the Retailers fault it is just if Hornby decide to make a new batch. I have had a 0-6-0 chassis bottom (the one where the bit of plastic breaks) for over a year. I only suggested them as if they have the part they are usually a lot cheaper.

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Thanks for sharing your experience and I will not be ordering any Pre Order, I have couple of items on Pre Order and I will try to get an update and if there is chance of getting in near future, fair enough if not I will cancel the order as well.


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