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Hornby DCC decoder that works but won't program.


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Has anyone had an issue with Hornby DCC decoders that work perfectly well but won't program or let you read anything out of them. I think this decoder came with the loco I bought on EBay, I tried to change the address and nothing happened, similarly I tried to read the Man Id and version number and on my Elite I just get the dreaded XXX. I have reset by writing 8 to CV 8, but still no joy.

I have replaced it with a Zimo so it is not an issue, but just before I allocate it to the bin, I just wondered if it was an issue with the early Hornby DCC decoders.

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Possibly an old R8215 decoder which can't be read from and will only accept 2 digit addresses.



Yes, I agree, from my experience. Not much you can really do with it…

Just out of interest though, does it have a dot of coloured paint on it?

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I have just one R8215 decoder which I bought years ago and fitted to a Hornby Class 08 Diesel Shunter - it accepted a three digit code and the slow running speed has to be seen to be believed. I have read on this forum and elsewhere a people having trouble with the R8215.

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