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R2429 PCB

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I just posted a picture of the trace I did of that board but I did it off my phone. It might not come out well once approved but we’ll see.

Looking at it it doesn’t have the problem that the R6 version had (where the positive pin on the decoder was connected to the -ve on the light circuit). Is that the problem you are meaning?

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I can't see the image - perhaps still being approved? 🤔

I've no clue what caused the issue i'm afraid, me being on DC, this loco is currently undergoing an overhaul so I'm trying to find out what the issue is before I end up exploding a top of the range DCC sound decoder!

Best wishes & thanks for your help so far!

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@ ColinB

The loco is included in the downloadable list of all known models from all manufacturers on the RMweb thread "Zinc Pest (Mazak Rot); The Affected Models List": it is quoted as being affected by the chassis cracking under the cab floors.

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So what is the issue with the PCB? I have 3 of these so it would be nice to check. Mine all work with DCC and the lights work so I assume that they are ok. I didn't know this model suffered from Mazak rot as well.



Some of the early boards had the light negative connected to the common positive pin on the socket, instantly creating some magic smoke. I traced that board in a different thread. If yours is working on DCC then you’re good!

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