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MD Phantom FG.1 (RAF)

Ian Meadows

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Sorry this is probably a daft question but...

I've not built a nose wheel model since starting this building stuff again, sticking to WW2 models. In the past I remember having a number of models blue tacked to my shelf as a teenager as I'd forgotten nose weight.

I recently bought the Phantom FG.1 (RAF) and I've been looking through the instructions and I can't see any reference to nose weight, plus I fancy the idea of the open nose anyway so not sure where to put any.

Anyone done this model and can confirm that it doesn't need weight adding?

Thanks in advance.

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Since I haven’t made this kit and feeling guilty about my advice I went online to do some research. There are a few build reviews one even was in a conversational tone. In it the participants talked about weighting the kit. They said that if Airfix don’t mention a weight they have assumed no weight necessary. Not sure if that is the case but looking at the build there is a lot of model showing in front section so it might be true. Perfectly happy to stand corrected by others on here but that is all help I can give about matter.



Thank you for getting back to me - interesting to see any other thoughts but I am going to get some of that liquid gravity. That's a new one on me and shows how far the hobby has come on since I was a kid! The days of gluing old nuts and bolts inside the nose have ended!



I'd only found one build video and the person fixed the model "in-flight" on a stand so had no issues with tail strikes. I thought about it but the option to do with the radar out and the lack of crew in the kit put me off.



Thanks again




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