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Multi functions.


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Have you tried to reset your current controller as this may ‘put its ducks back in a row’.

The Select at latest firmware revision can operate all 29 functions independently and in concert - F0 to F28 inclusive. Earlier revisions could operate less functions but the controller can have its firmware updated. A downside is the Select has no lasting screen indication as to which functions are selected or not so you either need a good memory or you need to keep a tick list.

The method is to press a number then Function to turn a function on and ditto to turn it off. The exception is F0 which simply requires a press of the Function button for on and again for off.

Why is it important to remember which functions are on, well if you have a TTS sound decoder you can only run one spot sound in addition to the background sound, so if you have many functions selected the next one will not play.

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