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Hornby setrack points R8072 continuity


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Testing a set of points - new Hornby ( came with a set ) - when set - I am getting both rails leading from the frog live same polarity ? ie - the two rails at the V leading out of the point are continuous - which if the point was on a loop would just be a dead short with no insulated joiner ?

Its acting like an electrofrog ?

Its only roughly been used as a bit of temp sidings - so has not shown up as a problem.

All the main points we used were new peco.

The old point is acting as an insulfrog should - ie - when thrown, one of the two v's leading out becomes live and the other dead - vice verse ?

The Hornby would work ok with both insulated - but it should work without ?

I am testing these with a meter off the track so no other inputs ?

edit - pic addedforum_image_62f831a7040d7.thumb.png.9fd0cedbdaaff324235dc777b0510319.png

Mod note - title amended to clarify.

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That's a weird one. I tested two identical set of points and a right hand one and they switched correctly. It sounds as if there is a short under the frog, probably a manufacturing fault. I don't see that there is much you can do about it, as you can't really take it apart, unless anyone has other ideas.

Having seen this I will definitely test all points before putting them into a layout.

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Thanks - helps to know its wrong ! I was only trying to sort out the advantage of isolating dead frog points at these inner v joints - to help stop shorts on old rolling stock - trust me to find a duff one !

I had it on my friends track - but only as part of a temp inner siding - where such a fault can go un-noticed.

I checked it again this morning - the entire point blades - and both the 'v' after the frog are all continuous - hence all the same polarity of the rail one blade touches, The frog ipair of short rails are dead ?

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