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Older Tri-ang TT-3 stock will it run through the points and Diamonds.


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Will the older Tri-ang TT-3 loco's and stock run through the new Hornby TT 1.20 points and diamond crossovers. The back to backs on the wheels on this old stuff means it is a tight fit through the check rails and frogs on the Peco TT which is fine scale track but they run is a little better on the Tillig track. The wheel flanges are not really the problem.

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I took an unmotorised Jinty chassis to Gaydon to check and about 5 pushes out of 6 there were no problems. The other time there was a small tight spot but I had not checked the wheels b to b so no guarantee one wheel was not square on the axle.

Also I could only push along on a point as I could not set up extra track at either end.


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