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Are you sure tracksetta gauges do not already exist for TT120 but not in in name?

It just might be the case that the manufacturers have simply not caught up with the new name.

I'm sure I've seen tracksetta gauges for TT, HOm both of which use 12mm track, in some ways no different to me using n gauge tracksettas for my 009.

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I use OO gauge so I'm only replying to this post because it first appeared in General Discussion. Anyone who pays £8.70 for a bit of plastic must have money to burn. That's well over £100 for a full set of Peco gauges. For that price I can buy a couple of second-hand locos on Ebay.

Why not do as I do and make your own gauges by drawing out the curves with a pencil and length of string on a piece of hardboard or thin plywood, then cut them out with a jigsaw?

It's not something that needs super skills. If you can build a layout you can do this.

Am I missing something here?

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When I owned a full set of OO Tracksetta gauges they were made of very solid metal and would last a lifetime. Are they made of plastic now?

Very few modellers make everything from scratch. Everyone is different. Where you want to set the balance between pre-made and scratch built is surely up to each individual modeller. The aim is to have fun within your own budget and preferences.

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The only Tracksetta I've ever bought was an N gauge 9" radius item probably 40 years ago. I still have it somewhere but I don't use it, I find simply measuring and marking out the centre line and laying the track to the line is actually more accurate. Plus with flexible track you need to build in transition curves anyway, not just go directly from straight to curve.

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