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Blink Bonny wheel piping


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Is the wheel running true? Properly assembled within the tyre? Won't be the connecting rod as that's outside of the coupling rod on the crankpin. I'd be careful about bending the coupling rods, but maybe a very thin washer behind the rod might help if it's definitely rubbing?

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My Blink Bonny has similar paint issues to yours when I got it out of the box, Centre left drive wheel. Mine also had issues going round right-hand bends and is now back with Hornby. I only noticed it due examining everything very closely, looking for why mine had a right-hand bend issue. If I’d not had this problem, I’d have not spotted the piping issue right away. When I did it became so noticeable. The front bogie wheels had issues with the while piping too, being faint or patchy. Only 1 wheel was ok. Its with Hornby now and I’m sure it will all be sorted. 

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After putting the loco on a rolling road it appears that the centre wheels are not square on and cause the loco to wobble as it runs. I've emailed Customer Services and requested a return of the loco for inspection. Hopefully they'll fix it.

EDIT I've filmed a video showing the wheel issue.

Blink Bonny - YouTube

EDIT: Video now removed since the issue is sorted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got Blink Bonny back today, exactly 1 week turnaround. They've replaced the driving wheels. Very minor wobble on the left centre one still, but no where near as bad as it was. Hopefully running in will improve it. Not done a video yet, hopefully all is good and I don't need to.

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I didn't notice the crosshead jumping. Thanks for pointing it out. Since two of you have suggested there is still an issue and I'm inclined to agree seeing the amount of paint missing on the wheels, I think I will ask for a replacement as opposed to a repair. Going to email Simon with the video link too, see what happens there.

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I've had a reply from Simon, they are going to replace the loco. I'm very pleased with the quickness of the response and this gives me a great deal of faith in the company to address any issues. There are a couple of pics attached that show the state of the new wheel set after just an hours running in. Nothing to see on the left side but the right side rear wheel has 3 distinct areas where the paint is now missing and the centre wheel is showing wear too.forum_image_63d2953f6c1f5.thumb.png.63ff02cf5db4488fa376f70dc65c4206.pngforum_image_63d29543ef87d.thumb.png.7d0172e3f96b2581041b6b223d169fb1.pngforum_image_63d29546be68e.thumb.png.8e867a6420f15f8087d1e8284c0473ff.png

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Hello David

I'm friends with Simon and I know he's always rushed off his feet and also forgetful at times. Also this past few days has been in Germany for a toyfair pushing hornby and Arnold TT amongst other products.

I spoke with him yesterday morning for a catch up and will probably speak again early next week.

He won't be back at Hornby till next week. If you like I can mention it to him for you.

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My replacement Blink Bonny arrived yesterday, Sat 4th Feb. I've run it in as follows:

30mins forwards at 50% power on R4 left handed curves, light loco.

30mins backwards at 50% power on R4 left handed curves, light loco.

30mins forwards at 70% power on R4 right handed curves, with the three Pullmans.

and since we all know rolling stock doesn't like been propelled

10mins backwards at 40% power on R4 right handed curves, with the three Pullmans.

There are no pictures or videos since there is nothing to show. All the wheel piping is still present, there appears to be no slowing on curves, the motor runs smooth and quiet. I'd like to give a big Thankyou to Simon and the Hornby team for sorting quickly my minor, but very annoying issue.

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