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Missing Caledonain Coach?


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I was recently discussing pre-orders from the 2023 range with a friend, and one of mine is the Tri-ang Remembered Caledonian Train Pack.

What puzzled me was that I recalled it including three coaches when it was announced and I stuck my order in. But it appears to be only two with the loco, according to the "What's Inside" section.


Out of curiousity I had a check on the Wayback Machine, and sure enough it has a snapshot from Hornby's site on January 10th that says under "What's Inside" that there's a loco and 3 coaches included.

I'm only 35 years old still. It's a bit too early for dementia to be kicking in.


What's even more strange is that there's three pictures of coaches on the listing still. And it's not a case of Hornby having put two photos of the same coach up twice.

Each coach has a unique number on it. The composites are numbered 460, and 461 respectively.



While the brake coach is numbered 142.


So which listing is correct?

Have Hornby decided to reduce the number of coaches by one, and hope nobody would notice?

I mean that would be a bit naughty to not tell customers who have ordered it already. And still keep up the images of three coaches knowing that one of them is not going to be included in the final product.

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Looking at the Wayback archive webpage, above the What’s Inside section - it mentions that the pack includes loco & Two coaches.

Also the YouTube launch video shows a picture of loco & 2 coaches.

Those are the correct contents.

There is nothing sneaky or malicious… simply typos and inaccurate info/images - which are an unfortunate part of this website at times.

The (unpaid) moderators have the almost constant thankless task of drawing such inaccuracies to the attention of the relevant parties for remedy.

The reason for the inaccuracies is that in the past when this loco & coaches have been released as a pack - the contents have included loco & 3 coaches.

However this time the contents have been changed for this Tri-ang branded pack (either for cost reasons or to differentiate it).

This has resulted in a poor copy/paste job on the website that has subsequently needed corrections.

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Permit me to ask then, which two of the three illustrated does ShredderLive receive?

I will assume that the selection is from among those illustrated, is that too bold an assertion?

I agree with the others, this isn't malicious. I am not trying to put you on the spot either. The occasional error by Hornby causes confusion and apparent dismay. I'd like to know which carriages I receive on R30090 beyond the Booth carriage. Can I rely on the images? The answer is....maybe.


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@ Bee

Only Hornby can answer your question with authority but I would guess it will be 1 x composite and 1 x brake composite as illustrated and described in the catalogue.

Having said that, regretably, incorrect/misleading information, particularly on the website and to a lesser extent in the catalogue, has been widespread in recent years

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