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Cannot Download Evaluation Railmaster Link

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Read this thread linked to below as it should definitely help you.

Link isn't clickable so copy the text and paste it into your browser go to address field.


Once you have got the Railmaster Evaluation copy installation file downloaded. Read through the sticky threads located at the top of the Railmaster forum section. In particular, the 'Railmaster FAQ Index' sticky and the 'Railmaster Help Site' sticky. The guidance given in these stickies (particularly FAQ1) will really help you to get a working Railmaster installation, as Railmaster is not very 'plug n play' and needs a lot of manual configuration if Windows software is not your expertise.

Two things to note.

  1. Right click the Railmaster installer file and choose 'Run as administrator' to install Railmaster.
  2. If you don't have either an eLink nor Elite controller, choose the 'no controller' option offered to you when running the installer for the very first time. Not having a controller will still allow you to play around with the Railmaster screens, but you won't be able to control anything.

Note that your thread may get moved by a moderator to the proper Railmaster forum.

EDIT: Looks like it has been moved. The mod has also removed your capitalisation to convert to lower case text.

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Have you ever had RM before as it has a time out limit on the demo, which is remembered even if you delete it. Once this demo runs out you either have to buy a licence or load onto a different PC.

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