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Should models have lights?

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Haters Gonna Hate so Shake it off. What cheese I mean especially with Club layouts there are mostly an array of inconsistency's as the group come together. Some notes and as a general topic its timing could not be better.

  1. If it makes you happy do it. Need proof just check out my youtube channel on the construction of my entire layout and toy room. youtube josef model railway & toyroom. My ideas are as wild as a cut snake. But seriously its all about what makes me happy.
  2. Lighting in general on even some of the finest locos and rolling stock still feels somewhat like we could do so much more. We are and for the right coin there is some ... Good results. Rotating Or segmented emergency beacons i saw a custom build loco at a South Australian Model Railway show that blew me away in HO scale some 12 years ago. Soooo. Ok we have some foot lamps we have LINTZ and micro LED's but if you have fing fingers like me its hard work so yes they aare doing some good stuff but its always the little things
  3. If someone tell you to run your train clockwise I will be the first to say can we make it run Counter clockwise since in Australia, we are not backwards but upside down.
  4. Why have locomotives literally become crazy expensive recently i have no idea maybe its like the vinyl record resurgence questions we will never understand.
  5. My best answer to these questions when someone makes a comment on something i have created is. So what did you do? Sometimes these armchair read every railway magazine and build ZERO anything's need to put up or shut up.

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Nowadays with DCC and for the money being asked they should unless they are Railroad spec cheaper models.

On lower cost models, headlamps more than tail as most tail lamps wouldn't really be visible from most of the viewing angles you look at a model railway.

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