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1/48 V-1 (Fieseler Fi103)


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Ok, So my last little project off the bench before I get back into the daily non-modeling work grind.

This is a Tamiya kit, (I hope it's allowed)

I`ve now decided to give my builds a name. Calling this one "Old Trolly - New Rocket"

The transportation trolly would have been used many times, whereas the V1 was pretty much a "One use machine" therefore, the trolly received a "Hammering" at the weathering stage and the V1 weathering was kept to a minimum. (As it would never really come back in one piece or in good condition)

As you all probably know, I always like to be honest about my builds. I started this as a "quick gratification project" you know... something to get done & completed and enjoy in minimal time?... Hmm, didn't quite work out that way to be fair.

Although it's a Tamiya kit, the centre joint took quite a bit of work to get right (ish) and I won't tell you about the little front prop which is moulded/tooled onto one of the sides (Very very delicate) ... primed for snapping off whilst working on the joints - well yes, that happened, so I had to scratch build a new one.

It all took a little longer than expected but hey ho... (That`s part of the fun)

All in all, I`m reasonably happy with this build all things considered - would be great to get your thoughts on it.

Hope you like it.



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