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Lights, camera and action!


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Hello there,

I’m looking for advice on the following.


Is there any specific bulb/ wattage/colour of bulb that forum members use to create good lighting over your layouts. How many lights would you use?

My layout is on a table which is 3.7 x 2.4 metres, is oo gaughe and is in a shed with no windows and lined with that bubble wrap stuff to stop it heating up too much.

I’d like to re create a sunny day in summer in Scotland ( and yes we do get sunny days occasionally! )


I was looking at the SQ-11 cube for driver eye view rides and placing beside the track.

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Also, any advice on cameras for filming would be great. I‘m sure there will be endless amounts of cameras but a quick note of what you use would be useful.

and action!

well that’ll be when I finished my layout, have lights do you can see it and a camera to film it!

Which I’ll post on the forum when I do.

Thanks in advance


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Hello I am here 🙂

Yep I used a 'String of Lights' from a company called Colours which I Bought From B & Q in Chesterfield - it has a variety of different lights & shades - pretty C😎😎l.

Here is my Review of them :-

& as Bee says above - Here is my "time of day" video :-


P.s. If you want to see a cube camera for driver eye view rides and placing beside the track, then I used a GoPro Hero Session Cube Camera - see my video :-

Hope that this helps & thank you 😉🚂
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Thanks what about the bee and JJ for replying.


thanks for your videos.

I think the lighting system looks great and I like the option to be able to change between different times of the day.

I think I’ll be looking into them.

As for your go pro cube it looks like it’s been discontinued!

however, thanks again for your help.



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A member of our club has a layout called Porthminster, which we will be showing at the Adelaide Model Railway Exhibition in early June. If you search for Porthminster on YouTube there are a few videos of it. Anyway, being an exhibition layout, it needs good lighting & he has just upgraded it with LED tubes which look similar to flouro tubes. I'll try to find out some more details & post them here.

If you could give an idea of your budget it would be easier to give advice on cameras. Having said that, modern phones can do a pretty good job especially if you use an app that gives you more control over the settings.

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thanks for this.

checked out the video and it looks great.

look forward to hearing more about the lights.

With regards to cameras and being honest I don’t have much of a clue!

I suppose my limit would be around 200 quid.

I like the idea of a smaller camera so you can put it beside the track and get close up views.

Any suggestions!?

Thanks again



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@ Lairdy

200 quid! Blimey, I paid around 12 for mine. There's some on ebay now at 11.84 including night vision same as mine.

I've attached a few pics taken using one of these. Apologies for some blurriness, they are stills taken from videos. I've included one taken in a darkened room to show the effect of the night vision. I admit they're not brilliant, but I don't think they're too bad.






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sorry I was thinking of an actual camera 📷 Which I failed to tell you about!

However, I think your photos and set look great and is just what I need for now.

What make is your camera?

thanks again


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@ Lairdy

I got the camera on ebay, it came from China, (no surprise there!) All it has on the box is SQ11 Mini DV Camera, (which is what you said you were thinking of), and Sports HD DV at the top. The camera is approximately 2cm x 2cm x 2cm. I've attached a photo for your perusal. (Lousy quality, used a cheap bodycam, sorry.)

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your kind comments about my layout.

All the best.


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@ Lairdy

Thanks again for your comments.

The track was painted using Humbrol enamel Rust paint applied with a fine brush. Some of the appearance may be due to age. A lot of the track was used on a previous layout and was painted in 1992 and has "weathered" over the years.

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