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Decorder defaults to address 3


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Since we upgraded from a Select to an elite, chips in two locos keep defaulting to address 3. Both of these are the original two engines (Jinty and 08) from the original mixed goods train set purchased 3 years ago and came pre chipped, as this


was a DCC set.


Any ideas? Really appreciate any help as it is really frustrating my lad, and him in turn me!!


Many thanks, Paul

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The original goods set used the old 8215 decoders. They had a propensity to reset to address 3 and were eventually withdrawn after a number of firmware revisions.


When I had this problem I contacted HCC and they sent me a few 8249 replacements.




is interesting that there seems to be a linkage to the change to an elite but I think anyway it is worth checking the decoders.


form a hunt on line it seems that the 8215 does not support cv7/8 (version/manufacture). I suggest that you read back these


two CVs. if there is no response then you would seem to have 8215s. to make sure that you are set up properly first try reading cv 1 which contains the loco address.

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Does the old R8215 decoder support this??? I was of the understanding it only supported.... Direction of travel and speed steps i.e. Bits 0 & 1 (Decimal values 1 & 2)?

The newer R8249 certainly can have its dc operation switched On or Off via


CV29 Bit 2. (Reducing whatever value is in CV29 by Decimal value of 4).

poliss said:


Turn of DC support in CV29 by entering a value of 2 into CV29.

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I have an R8215 instruction sheet in front of me. There is no mention of it having the ability to have dc running turned off.

Only bits 1 and 2 (Hornby's reference), or bits 0 and 1 if you prefer, are listed:- Bit 1 - default direction, default 0; Bit


2 - speed steps, 14/28/128, default 1

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I feel Rog (RJ) is correct re the old R8215 decoder, which is what I thought. It can't have its dc running turned off.


With other decoders you should ideally read the value set in CV29 before doing anything. Then if dc running is to be turned


off reduce the read value by 4. Note if the decoder is using 4 digit (long) addressing the read value will be in the thirties or possible even higher depending on what is turned On within the decoder - Railcom or Speed curve etc.


So for simple example


to turn off dc operation in many decoders, read CV29 which is say 6 then deduct 4, so enter a new value of 2. If CV29 initial read value comes back as say 38 then enter the new value of 34.


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Many thanks for your helpful comments.


You have led on to next issue, CVs!


Now we have the Elite we can now address these, including fixed our lurching/jerky running of 3 locos by trying CV10. But how do you address a single loco.


There does not seem to be a section to identify which loco address ou are trying to alter? Do we need to alter Cvs on the programing track?


In the meantime I will contact HCC as suggested


Thanks again



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You can adjust CVs on the programming track using Direct Mode or on the main track using Operate Mode - see instructions on pp28-43 in the manual for v1.41. Not all CVs can be adjusted on the main track e.g. loco address. In Operate Mode on the main track,


the loco whose CVs you are reading/writing is the last addressed loco.

For easy calculation of CV29, take a look at http://www.2mm.org.uk/articles/cv29%20calculator.htm

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  • 4 weeks later...
Chuffers123 said:


Since we upgraded from a Select to an elite, chips in two locos keep defaulting to address 3. Both of these are the original two engines (Jinty and 08) from the original mixed goods train set purchased 3 years

ago and came pre chipped, as this was a DCC set.

Any ideas? Really appreciate any help as it is really frustrating my lad, and him in turn me!!

Many thanks, Paul
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Chuffers123 said:


Since we upgraded from a Select to an elite, chips in two locos keep defaulting to address 3. Both of these are the original two engines (Jinty and 08) from the original mixed goods train set purchased 3 years

ago and came pre chipped, as this was a DCC set.

Any ideas? Really appreciate any help as it is really frustrating my lad, and him in turn me!!

Many thanks, Paul
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The original problem with these things was that they wouldn't accept address changes from anything but Hornby controllers. I've had frustrations using an Atlas controller (rebadged Lenz Compact) but I can save address changes if I use a programming track.


I just wired a short piece of track to the programming track output. This doesn't seem to be possible with the Select, but maybe the Elite can do that? Failing that, paradoxical as it sounds, find someione with a Lenz or something else actually NMRA compatible


to make the change for you!

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