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Layout Improvement Suggestions Requested

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Long time, no post (from me). I hope you're all keeping well!

I'm looking for some suggestions on how to improve this triangle of my layout (55 x 45 x 25 cm).

If I took the 'fencing' away in the middle, what could replace it and fill the space more appealingly?

Thanks for any suggestions. Stephen



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Hello Stephen

In my view, the small paddock (fenced area) is inappropriate for the space. I have no issue with a paddock, its a fine idea.

Consider the paddock from the farmer's point of view. He must herd his livestock across that open field before getting to the paddock. Once in the paddock, the grazing area is small compared to the available field. No farmer in creation will work that way!

You could place a barn in the field, with small paddocks along the side of it for small animals. Alternatively, you could get more fencing and expand the paddock to fit the triangle, paying careful mind to the right of way.

It could be a planted field, but I will tell you that farmers will not do that. The shape of the field is inefficient.

Given the background of a village, perhaps a village green.

With that background, a railway facility would upset the townfolk.

This is just my eye and preferences. Your preferences will certainly vary.


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Based upon a village theme.

1) A travelling fair. That would give the opportunity to incorporate some motorised accessories like for example a carousel, swing boats etc for high interest value. Stalls such as throw 'round things' at coconuts and/or food and ice cream. Fairs usually have lots of bright lights so an opportunity to incorporate flashing LED lights display as part of the fair content.

2) Steam Traction Engine rally or Classic Car show.

You can let imagination run riot.

Had to substitute profanity filter capture with 'round things'.

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Thanks for the replies (so far) guys. See additional photos below.

@ Bee. The paddock was just used to fill the space, and has never looked right to me. For one thing, there's no access to the field from anywhere, other than either side of the hedge. There's a single track engine shed on the other side of it.

I've got 2 other quite large barns in the centre of the layout, so another one might be over-kill. A village green sounds do-able, thank you.

@ P-Henny It's interesting that this month's Model Rail magazine has a feature on building an automated children's playground, and I discounted the idea, but a travelling fair sounds like something I could look into - as it's not a million miles away from Bee's suggestion.



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I had a section of bare board between my control desk and the branch line. I cut a curved section of insulation foam to create an embankment, added some scatter and bushes, built a shelter from plasticard, placed some horses - space filled.


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Thanks again guys!

@bee Great idea about the bridge. I have one in a park area at top right of the layout, which I 3D printed. I'll consider making another (different) one.

@Bulleidboy, Thanks for the tips. I have a farm area in the centre of the layout, so I might not put any more livestock on that plot. There's a goat in the fenced area. :)

@TFoch, Killarney is about 75 minutes drive from my house (traffic allowing). If you're heading that way again, feel free to DM me in advance, and come over to see the layout, and my part of Kerry. :)

@taunmarc88 Thanks for the idea, but I have a lot of trees to the left and right of that plot, so it might look like overkill.

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