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track plus 0 6 0 locos

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Naturally this thread belongs in the TT:120 section. And just to add a little bit of balance... if you wanted to order an 0-6-0 & wagons/coaches from Peco you’d be waiting even longer!

Obviously Hornby are suffering a combination of production supply issues & demand that exceeded their expectations. Not sure why this is cause for criticism.

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Hello George

Welcome to the Forum - We have a saying on this forum "It arrives when it arrives!!!".

If you have 'Pre-Ordered' it from Hornby - unfortunately - it is a matter waiting for Months - even years & not days & weeks!!! I have waited between say about 9 months to about 1 & a Half years for my stuff & I heard that other Forum Members have waited even Longer!!! 😐🚂

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Hello George

I did spend some time, to understand your concerns.

The primary concern is that you would like Hornby to communicate status more effectively. Roger that. Many of us would agree with you. Not just TT120, but across the spectrum of offerings. The vague "quarter of year X" may have sufficed in the 1950s, but not today.

Hornby should communicate better. A simple log or status statement on the website, per model, on a quarterly basis would be much appreciated.

Hornby obviously have internal status meetings. The status of products should be known at Hornby. If not, I seriously question process at Hornby. Clearly, that isn't the case. Hornby cannot be blind to objectives. Anything would be better than the stone wall of silence or a change in due date without explanation.

Instead of waiting for Hornby track, George, may I suggest you start looking at track you can play with today. There is absolutely nothing like getting a locomotive running on a layout, no matter how diminutive.

Hornby will be along with product, but patience is a requirement when waiting for Hornby.


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