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Flying Scotsman Failed Again


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forum_image_64b80e07b190a.thumb.png.cc78bfc42709ba5de7754f3289121a84.pngNot a happy bunny at the moment as you can see, she was running fine for a while then she decided to part company with her front bogie 😡 I only got her back last week and Trigo has decided that she won’t go around curves at a slow speed, she’s constantly derailing at anything below half speed ☹️ So that’s both of them going back after only having them back for a week 😡😡🤬🤬🤬


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Have you recovered all the parts? The screw, (I’m presuming the bracket and chassis screw are still in place) two clear plastic washers and I can see the nut and the spring. It’s a pretty easy fix with the parts. This result is why you were experiencing derailment issues. It’s fixable. Trigo slowing on corners could also be a home maintenance fix too, I fully appreciate your frustration, I would say getting used to a small amount of home maintenance is a valuable. It’s never as hard as if first appears 😁

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Hi Rallymatt,

I didn’t know about the washers and can’t find them so she’ll have to go back ☹️ As for Trigo it’s not that she slows on the curves it’s that she derails at slow speeds, I can see the front bogie lift and turn just before derailment ☹️


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Ahhh ok Bob, I’m not sure the washers are available as spares yet so understandable it’s going back. TBH although I think fixing is part of the hobby it shouldn’t just fall apart in a few days either.

With Trigo is a similar issue, front truck assembly and free movement. The bracket the holds the front truck needs to be checked to ensure the angle is correct, both the bend in it and it’s location, it is possible for it to ‘not seat centrally’

The front truck assembly, there should be 2 clear plastic washers of slightly different sizes. The larger diameter one goes inside the truck, the spring wide end sits in that, smaller plastic washer on top of the narrower end of the spring, then bracket, the screw goes through and into the the nut held in underside of the truck casting. If the washers are not in place it’s possible for the spring to ‘wind’ itself through the bracket. Also check the front of the truck fully clears the rear of the buffer beam, the ‘wheel irons’ can sometime foul the body (usually A4s) this can be removed

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I totally agree with Rallymatt, home maintenance really is the way to go with these little fixes.
I’ve had various similar loose/lost fixing issues with my stock and I’ve found Hornby are very happy to send out replacement washers/screws etc within days. There’s a lot of people on here that are happy to talk through any of these issues.
  1. you get your loco working again much sooner
  2. You learn something new and might just enjoy it
  3. you get to understand some of the minor issues and how to spot potential problems


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Hi Peacy and Rallymatt,

As much as I’d love to fix the locomotives myself I now find myself struggling to hold small pieces in my left hand due to damage in my neck over the years. I’m incredibly frustrated with the lack of strength and feeling in my left hand as I’m struggling to build my ships so I thought I’d try model railways.

Anyway I’m waiting on Hornby getting back to me regarding the faults


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Sorry @Railbob to hear of both your continued model problems and your frustration about lack of strength in your left hand.

I guess I'm of a different view about repairs and faults. Yes some can be fixed quickly and easily at home by some, but should we have to and shouldn't Hornby be aware of the prevalence of these faults? When I had my tender drawbar issue a few weeks ago, I contacted them about fixing it myself and felt they didn't really take ownership of the issue - they just weren't interested. Same with the return of Flying Scotsman without the speaker that it had fitted when I sent it for repair.

I subsequently resolved to get Hornby to fix things if they recurred.

Flying Scotsman has been back twice (second time was for the front pony truck derailing issue) and I will be very frustrated if it has to go back again.

I have an autistic nephew and, while an extreme example, I think back to his reactions if things went wrong as a child and how it would be for him and other excited children if their beloved model locomotives kept having to be fixed. Hornby need to sort these quality issues if they're to have success in expanding their customer base outside traditional, patient, forbearing modelling fraternity.

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Sorry to hear the cause of your frustration RailBob, if you were close by I would happily assist. Peter’s point about who should fix things and also get first hand knowledge of what is happening is of course absolutely right but I’m guessing me and Peachy have done enough laps to know there is another way 😁 The hobby has always had a tradition of making and fixing to varying degrees, it’s hard to break that habit. Ultimately it’s what each of us feel comfortable doing, and as Peachy says, there is a wealth of support to talk someone through some of the fixes.

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I'll add that if you happen to live outside the UK home fixes are even more appealing. I do find these models need constant attention more that my OO fleet. I thought I hadn't cut the bar for the SEEP motors short enough the other day and that was why Falcon was getting stuck on the points. apparently not. The screw from tender to loco was lose again.

I do think it would be hard for TT120 to appeal to younger/inexperienced modelers. It doesn't have the robustness of OO Railroad. Not a criticisms. Just an observation. You don't get this detail at this size without a little fragility.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

Well Flying Scotsman arrived back today and she’s looking good, on the repair note they said that they have replaced the front bogie assembly and it appears to be the case. So unfortunately I’ll have to wait until I’ve completely relaid the track as I’ve never been happy with it, I ordered some track gauges as a few have suggested and now that my Peco buildings are starting to arrive I feel I’m on the right track, pardon the pun.

Hopefully I can start posting some pictures of my progress in the next few weeks. I feel that I’m over the hump will start coasting soon.


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