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Power Booster - Green Light Flashing Continuously


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The green LED on a Hornby R8239 Power Booster is according to the manual a 'power on' indicator and should be 'steady on'. If it is flashing then that suggests that the booster is in a boot up / shut down loop.

Things to help with problem diagnosis:

  1. Disconnect the output from anything it is attached to. Does it still flash. if it does, then the R8239 is most likely faulty. If the green LED then becomes steady on, then there is an issue with what it is powering (perhaps a short circuit, but a short should light the red LED).
  2. Substitute the R8239 input power supply with another. Perhaps the one used on the Hornby controller (eLink, Select, Elite). Is the green LED now steady. If it is, then suspect the P9300 4AMP power supply on the R8239 is faulty.

What is the state of the other two LEDs (red and yellow) when the green one is flashing, as that information may give a clue.

If your 'booster' is NOT a Hornby R8239, then your terminology is misleading and you need to clarify (preferably by brand & model number) exactly what the green LED is on.

A posted drawing showing how the booster is connected (between what & what else) and what it is powering would greatly assist. Specify in the drawing what ports on the R8239 you are connecting. For example are you using the RJ12 ports or are you using the direct wire ports as documented as per Fig4 in the R8239 manual, this info is important to know.

Note that any images you post will go for mod approval and not appear straight away.

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The ‘booster’ also acts as a reverse loop module. Is there any possibility you have introduced a reverse loop by way of track modification. Another thought is could a point have gone bad and is causing a short. There is an FAQ telling how to test a point for this condition.

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