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TT 120 Back Scenes


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I experimented with back scenes when I was starting High Fell last October. OO is a disaster, it just looks all wrong. As usual a lot of N stuff is way oversize which is great for TT. Don’t bother buying the ‘special backscene glue’ it’s awful! double sided tape (carpet tape ideal) and another tip is bond it to some thin craft card first, weigh down overnight so it’s nice and flat, and then attach the card to the back boards.

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Yep I used N scale ones, looks fine to me.

ID backscenes are what I used, go for the premium and they are self adhesive as well as a bit tougher, worth the extra 2 or 3 quid IMO.

By mistake I ordered the standard version when I redid mine, so I used a thin coat of neat PVA applied to the board to stick it down, seems to have worked well so far.

If your back drop board is MDF, I would say at least 3 coats of varnish or paint need to be applied before sticking on the backscene. (I only did one the first time, which is why I needed to do it again) !

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Just came across this which I found interesting. This guy got ID Backscenes to blow the 9 inch N gauge scene up to 15 inch which I think was mainly sky but it could be a better look.

Watch from around 19:25 in the vid.

Also so good info on LED strip lighting around 14:50

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I had been looking at Peco N scale backscenes but the sheets are not as tall as I would like at only 173mm.

Peco also do what they call an “all gauges” SKP photo backscene assortment mainly comprising of lakes, rivers, trees, hills and distant villages and towns which are taller than the N scale examples at 333mm high and in packs of 3 sheets total 2400mm long. These are what I have been considering but it really depends on the type of scenic landscape for the layout as to their suitability.

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Noticed that Peco do identical back scene versions in small, medium and large rather than identifying a specific scale. This is presumably to allow modellers to create perspective depending on the back scene requirements.

Checking out the Peachy video the medium sized industrial town series is used which includes a line side fence along its lower edge. Looks ideal for those with track running close to the back edge of the baseboard.

Pity more back scenes don’t include trackside fencing along the lower edge. Maybe there are some with countryside scenes that do but I have not yet found these.

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