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Select controller key 0 issue


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I am using a Select controller that came with the Mixed Traffic train set.

Its version 1.16 . POST = 20 30 03

I have been able to program locomotive addresses and rate of speed change.

However, the "0" key doesn't work and this number can't be entered as a part of any operation. Have tried cleaning the key , but to no avail. Will return to Hornby

if nothing further to try...

My question is: After a controller reset what programming operations would l I need to repeat for each loco?


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Working in reverse…

After a reset you need to do nothing to the locos as they retain their memory within the decoders.

Loco zero is disable by default to prevent DC runway, but to check if it is the key itself at fault press and hold the Function key as you power it up. Release when you see 88. Then press every key in turn and see the check figures appear, including the arrow buttons and speed dial. If the 0 key is working you will see 00 on screen.

Power cycle the Select to return to normal boot status.

V2.0 is applied to the face-lift version and is functionally identical to v1.6.

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Thanks for that info. RAF.

The power on keys test showed that key "0" was indeed working - after a reset;

to enable analogue control, the numeral 0 could be input at the Select keyboard.


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I wanted a working key zero to initiate the CV programming sequence - after setting a CV the unit reverted to key zero disabled. Also, the forward and reverse keys operate the opposite way round to what one would expect .

I should add that my set was purchased at a discount due to damaged packaging.. So this

Select may have suffered a knock or two.

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You said you have checked and the Zero key works.

You are obviously confusing loco zero with a basic zero key press.

Loco Zero if disabled prevents you from entering a zero at the select loco address point. You can if you really must reset the Select (see the manual) and choose to have loco zero enabled (definitely not recommended).

To enter programming mode you long press Select, then input key 0 of 00, then enter the CV number to change, noting if a 3 digit number when you press 1 (for hundreds ) or 2 (for hundreds) the screen flips to allow you enter the tens and digits values. Then you enter the new value for the CV.

You need to download the manual for v1.5 AND tge appendix for v1.6/2.0, else you are guessing what to do next and getting it wrong.

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A Select manual and its v.1.6 addendum were supplied the Mixed Traffic rain set.

Key zero worked in test mode and once for programming a CV . But it has now reverted

to its former condition. Ie nothing appears on the display if it is used when assigning a loco address - so addresses such as "10" or "20" can't be input.

I may return it to Hornby for inspection and a possible fwr re-flash..


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Try a Select unit reset per the manual.

It maybe you are pressing the 1 or 2 for too long and it thinks it has gone into hundreds, tens and units mode, when of course it can only accept loco addresses 1 to 59.

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