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Control of HST fans with sound decoder.


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I have been reading the instructions for my new Class 43 HST and it mentions the control of the fans and the automatic stop and start of them whilst the loco is stationary. I assume the instructions were written around the HM7000 profile. Is that correct?

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Quite possibly although probably not exclusively. The HM7K profile for the class 43 will certainly include those functions to be operated but then presumably any decoder with the right number of outputs would also work. The ability for the fans to switch on/off will undoubtedly be included in the F28 AFC function that is included with TXS decoders. Other brands may have that as well but perhaps not all.

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Actually I have just read the manual again and it does state that the functionality is available with Hornby sound decoders.

Fan turns on with 30% loco speed

Fan will switch off 10 seconds after the loco is bought to a stop

When the loco is stationary the fan will switch on every 30 seconds for a period of 10 seconds.

I assume that it is referring to HM7000 as the instruction manual was written after TTS was released.

Now the manual says it does it but does HM7000 currently support it, or is this a feature for the future. I have not heard it mentioned in any reviews.

I doubt you could get this functionality by setting CVs in any other make of decoder, it is a bit too specific.

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That’s getting far too technical for me but, no, it won’t be available on TTS - I don’t think the functions go past F26 or possibly lower. For example F27, brake, is not available on TTS as I found out when testing control via the dongle (lent by Hornby for user testing)

As for other makes of decoder, who knows? I don’t.

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The basic functionality is built into the loco as far as I know as such fairly complex triggering and timed logic may be a tad outwith the 7K decoder 'brain'. Tech will confirm or refute this no doubt.

If the decoder has such capability then it can possibly be re-directed to the recent chat about on-board auto-uncoupling devices.

Edit - Hornby Tech says this...

Current auto fan operation of the Class 43 HST is specific to the firmware on the HM7K decoder on both HST sound profiles....

HM7K manual states this Info and loco leaflet states DCC, specifically:

"Additional functionality available with Hornby Sound Decoders only"

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Do you know I have still not received a reply from Hornby Technical. Fortunately with Hattons sale I bought two HM7000s and will test it myself. Just as a guide, I mailed Bachmann with a request on something to do with one of their locos that they haven't made in a couple of years, two hours later I got a reply explaining everything.

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