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Electrical issues

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I have just set up the flying Scotsman set with track pack B and C for my sons Christmas. Creating two loops linked with the link cable and powered and controlled dc controller and power pack.

my son has a little joe locomotive over and above the flying Scotsman.

when I’m running just the flying Scot on low setting, it seams to ark or spark when crossing switches and then the controller losses power.

the power pack can be reset by removing it from the wall for a moment then plugging it back in.

also if I run both locos on the inner and outer loops I find after a while the power will cut off completely with the same way to rectify the issue.

do I have a faulty or over sensitive power supply? Or is there anything I can do to allow my son to use the set as intended?

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Hi Andrew

Welcome Aboard.

The controller is going into thermal overload when you run two locomotives. You are drawing a pinch too much power and the controller doesn't like it. The controller that comes with the starter sets is suitable for one locomotive, but not two. So the circuit will shut itself off to prevent damage in the overload situation. If you wish to run two locomotives, you will need a controller that can service more amps (more grunt).

The arcing and controller shut down may be a short circuit. That's a bit more concerning, but not by much. If the controller experiences a short circuit, it results in large current draw. Similar to above, the controller prevents self damage.

You need not unplug and plug back in, the controller will reset on its own after a time. That's better practice anyway.

If you have a moment, sketch your track and how you have it wired. There are some very knowledgeable folks who can and will help you around here.


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If the controller is the R7229 new red/black one then oddly it often does need to be unplugged to reset it.

Check the switch on the back is set to Hi not Lo. This switch is meant to limit output to prevent little ones playing Scalextric trains.

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Basically your power supply isn't up to the job of running 2 trains. Its a common problem, and it can be fixed by upgrading the controller. A HM2000 is good because it allows you to control 2 tracks independantly, thereby allowing Scotsman and Smokey Joe to run at different speeds on their own track. The sparking sounds like dirty track-if you have a track cleaning rubber, rub the affected areas to clean it. If you don't, a peice of hardboard will do. Enjoy playing trains.


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