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GWR Engine R3719 DCC 8 pin fitted


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I bought the GWR R3719 Dcc fitted engine 2 years ago, I've run it only 2 hours.

when it start it, it will move only 1 inch and stop, i can hear that the motor is on,

I've cleaned the wheels, tracks and pickups but it doesn't seem to work

not sure if its a problem with the chip or motor

i have 3 other engines all DCC fitted 4 pin that are running smoothly on the same track

can anyone advise what to do or does it need to be seen at the service centre


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When you say the motor is on - is it turning or stalled. If turning suspect a failed gear but if its stalled then look at jammed motion, rods and valve gear.

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I have a loco that lurches forward a few inches and then stops whenever my Select controller is powered up. There are known compatibility issues between my controller and decoder; which now seems stuck in DC mode.

Does your loco respond to a 9V battery test ?

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Shiv, R3719 is not a factory-fitted DCC loco, there would be an alpha suffix to the R number if it were.

So what decoder has been fitted and what controller are you using with what firmware revision?

And I take it that it was working 2 years ago?

PS. Only 1 carriage return needed between paras here, the forum software bizarrely adds a second itself.

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