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Airfix 1/72 Air Sea Rescue Launch

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If you’ve read any of my previous posts, you’ll know that I usually focus my attention on WW2 1/72 scale aircraft, especially the ones that flew from RAF Warmwell, just down the road from where I live in Dorset. I’ve already built a Walrus of 276 Squadron which was based at Warmwell, but I thought that I’d expand my envelope and have a go at building a boat for a change, so I decided to build the Airfix 1/72 Air Sea Rescue ‘whaleback’ launch. There is a local connection, because such craft were operated from nearby Weymouth, where there was a flotilla of ASR launches operated by 40ASRMCU (Air Sea Recue Marine Craft Unit). Research indicated that launch number 185 was one of the craft involved, so that was the marking I chose.

I found the build reasonably straightforward for the most part, although getting the two halves of the hull to line up involved liquid cement and working a couple of inches at a time. What I found a challenge was all the detail that boats have – far more than aircraft – that needed sticking in the right place, and painting. The crew members were a delight – and I followed Ratch’s advice and gave them a wash with Vallejo sepia wash – much improved on basic painting. The yellow decals for the hull numbers were sourced from Hannants, and the rigging – AK Thin - was attached using Hot Roket CA with Roket blaster.

All the paints used were Vallejo, and everything was brush painted.

It’s a fairly elderly kit – which gave rise to few challenges of cleaning-up, flash removal and fit – but for my first foray into boat-building (well, the first one since the Santa Maria when I was about 10) I’m quite pleased with the outcome, especially as it adds to my collection relating to WW2 Dorset.





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