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My latest Electrotren pre-order arrived last Wednesday and has proudly joined my infrastructure fleet. It is the RENFE HE2009D in the MIT blue. This was announced in Jan 22 so has been some time in coming but is a really lovely model. I have the DCC version running a Lokpilot V5. It has spent the last hour running around my attic test track and one day I may even build a layout for it and all it's buddies. 


Like the OO Ruston 48DS it has a support wagon that also picks up from the track. This is through a conductive magnetic coupling for which I can see plenty of further applications - TT120 Multiple units spring to mind.


Direction lighting looks great and they brighten and dim gradually.


The tractor unit has a posable crane and the hook on the end is one of the finest parts I have seen on any model. There are two barrels as an optional load but I think I will have to have a look for a few 1 ton  builders sacks to stick on the back along with a few tool boxes.



I also have a MoW ALCo 321 and coach and I'm glad to say the blue appears to match both of these.


The KLV has been released in 7 different versions - two Electrotren and five Rivarossi. The BASF version looks pretty tempting but is well out of my area!

(If anyone knows what the QC failure that curses the otherwise brilliant ALCo is, I'll be well impressed. And no, you cannot see it from the photo! Correct answers will get a like on their next post😎)

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11 hours ago, ellocoloco said:

 Like the OO Ruston 48DS it has a support wagon that also picks up from the track. This is through a conductive magnetic coupling for which I can see plenty of further applications - TT120 Multiple units spring to mind.



The very thought that springs to my mind is coach lighting.  No installing a decoder per coach.  Have the lighting circuit pass through many cars via this coupling.  

One decoder or one magnetic wand for the entire rake.  

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Providing the single decoder function output can handle the rake lighting load.

Electrotren are very good at fine detail parts. I have a couple and their chains and other tiny parts are superb.

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Fair point 96RAF.  It was just a concept, not a detailed specification. 

I do suppose that the decoder could drive an auxiliary relay (separate board?) that could handle the load.  The lighting will be on or off, likely not pulse width modulated.  An auxiliary relay would be a sensible choice here.


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Lovely model and mmmm those couplings do look very interesting indeed. If an accessory decoder was used to handle the lighting there should be enough capacity in it. I don’t t think Hornby/HM do anything quite like what I am thinking of that at the moment but there are other possibilities. 

Edited by Rallymatt
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