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1:35 Scale Austin K2/Y Ambulances

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I know these have been done to death over the past couple of years  but I just can’t get enough of building these Airfix’s 1:35 Austin K2/Y Ambulances!


I just love the detailing and how the design team have crafted the way it builds up to the final model. It really is a work of art and it’s still available to buy!


I built the 1944 Princess Elizabeth version a few years ago during the Diamond Jubilee and have just bought another to build up as that 🍻movie favourite.  


Having recently been enthralled to learn of the RAF Flying Nightingales, I just had to finish this one using Airfix’s 1944 Northern France scheme together with another set of Modelu’s excellent figures (I’ve previously used this set in 1:72 scale with an RAF Douglas Dakota - as posted a month or so back in the Aircraft section).


I’ve left the top of the ambulance unglued so as to get a better view of the figures but even when closed up, I know they are there 😉

And as I mentioned, I’ve just landed, yup, another Ambulance! 

As I also needed a few paints to complete the desert finish I’m going to require for this one, I thought I’d add a few Humbrol droppers to the basket too. I’ve never tried these before so this is going to be an interesting experiment. Stay tuned 😬

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Really nice builds - nicely done. I do love the characters you've painted up. 

I have one in wip at the moment but it's been stalled for a bit, I'll have to pick it up again after seeing yours. I did find the fit of the rear cabin a bit iffy, but that might be down to my inexperience with military kits. 

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I returned to the bench late this afternoon to have a go at the floor. 

One obvious difference with the Noeth Afriac v Europe finish is that that dark wood shouts through that weathered yellow! This should, however, be tempered later with some weathering powders 🤞


Meanwhile, first impressions on the new Humbrol paints is that they are thicker than my goto Vallejo Air paints but they did spray albeit I’ll probably thin them a little to guarant an even coverage over a larger area. 

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2 hours ago, AJ Rimmer said:

I did find the fit of the rear cabin a bit iffy

Yes, Airfix have created a complex design here, which does give it strength and realistic dimensions. I’m hoping that having just completed one, I’ll remember how it should fit! 😂

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It’s starting to look a bit more like an Ambulance now! The suggested use of Humbrol 74 for the exterior looks a bit yellow to me but then again, I am looking at it under a Northern Europe sky and not in the heat of the North African sun, so I’m going with it.  

I’ve still got a bit of gluing to do and then decals (not looking forward to those). But then fun bit starts, the heavy weathering. If you’ve seen the film you’ll know how “Katie”, the famed Austin K2/Y Ambulance, has obviously had quite a life!


Not sure yet what to do with the figures though. I’ve used a repurposed Flying Nightingale and a few reworked 8th Army soldiers for the figures. I’m not feeling they’ve really turned out as well as I’d have liked but they do complete the story, so I may, as I did with my Flying Nightingales, have them resting in the back for one to see if they care to look 😉

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23 hours ago, Valhalla said:

Never seen it, so I'm going to have to watch the film now 🙂

Oh my I’ve seen it so many times I could probably finish most of the lines and now I’m reading the book 🤦‍♂️

It’s a late 1950s classic. 

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Phew! Decals applied; always a high risk manoeuvre on this kit! 


So pleased also to find included with the Airfix kit an undocumented set of Ice Cold In Alex decals for ‘Katy’ the actual ambulance seen in the film!

Stay tuned 😊


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My third Airfix Austin K2 Ambulance build, I just love this kit.


This one is inspired by the 1950s classic book and film “Ice Cold In Alex”. 

Airfix provide four decal options for this kit:
1. 30 Corps, Motor Ambulance Convoy, Royal Army Service Corps, North West Europe, 1944
2. British Army, North Africa, 1940
3. British Army, Alexandria, Egypt, 1942 (Not the one from Ice Cold in Alex)
4. Auxiliary Territorial Service, England, 1944 Driven by Princess Elizabeth. 

[1] & [4] I’ve already built and I thought I was going to have to use [3] as a best fit for this one but on second glance, I discovered Airfix actually include a couple more undocumented decals which amazingly enable the build of a fifth version. Yes, you’ve guessed it, Airfix include a set of decals for ‘Katy’, the star of the “Ice Cold” film! Although entirely fictional they are perfect for someone like myself, looking to add this iconic model to my collection. 

In addition to the 20th Century Fox inspired decals, I made a few more modifications:

I split and painted the windscreen to reflect the configuration used in the film and added a rope to front of the vehicle; the one used to pull Captain van der Poel from the bog.


I added a spade to the front of the cab; the one van der Poel took with him on his regular excursions and I’ve added a few figures to represent the main players: Captain Anson, with his drink issues, Sister Diana Murdoch, falling for the Captain, and MSM Tom Pugh, never without his hat and, with head in hands, the world on his shoulders! 


I’ve left the roof(s) unglued to provide access to the interior detailing which has meant a little gapping is unavoidable, but it’s the only way one is going to get to see the players in the back. And, oh yes, have you spotted the bullet holes? These broke 2 drill bits to add, but it wouldn’t have been Ice Cold In Alex without them! 


I’ve had so much fun with this kit, the next one is really going to be a challenge selecting, this being such a hard act to follow.

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Very smart. Entirely the wrong scale 😉 but nicely rendered nonetheless. 

When this kit was announced, and I noticed a whole load of modellers saying they were going to build "Katy" from That Film, I did a bit of digging on the background to the production.

I believe there were several K2s used during the making of the film. One of them was converted to all-wheel drive, I believe using the underpinnings of a Ford CMP, for the desert scenes. Now, to my mind, that would be an accurate model of the famous "Katy". So far, though, I’ve not seen anyone attempt that.

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22 hours ago, Heather Kavanagh said:

Very smart. Entirely the wrong scale 😉 but nicely rendered nonetheless. 

When this kit was announced, and I noticed a whole load of modellers saying they were going to build "Katy" from That Film, I did a bit of digging on the background to the production.

I believe there were several K2s used during the making of the film. One of them was converted to all-wheel drive, I believe using the underpinnings of a Ford CMP, for the desert scenes. Now, to my mind, that would be an accurate model of the famous "Katy". So far, though, I’ve not seen anyone attempt that.

Thank you!

This is why I always say “inspired by” 😂

I’ve looked at various archive pictures and studied the actual film in detail and as yet haven’t managed to personally spot any difference whatsoever between the multiple variants of Kate that were used. I guess one has to know what one is looking for. It’s like the recent mess up over the number of bolts on the Cromwell Tank; I mean who counts wheel nut bolts?! I must admit on learning of this, I did go and count my bolts and was elated to learn the count on my kit was correct 🤷‍♂️

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20 hours ago, A J Rimmer said:

Love it, that's probably the best build of one of these that I've seen! 

I really must finish mine... It's been languishing in bits for six months 

Thanks 🙏 

Yes, get building! I was surprised, not having the perceived glamour of a fighting vehicle, as to how much I enjoyed building this kit. 

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