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A1369 King Tiger

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Quite a large model when finished.  A straight forward build, albeit some parts in the instructions leave a bit to be desired as guesswork comes into play on how to assemble them.  The instructions are in reverse order to the other tank kits as it starts with turret, upper hull, then lower hull and tracks.  The supplied tracks are link and length but are the transport tracks so too narrow for a fighting depiction.  The paint instructions page states that after market tracks are recommended.  Also it states that the supplied 18 tooth sprocket would need to be replaced with a 9 tooth sprocket.  The 9 sprocket was achieved by 9 tooth extractions per sprocket and voila, two 9 tooth sprockets  I managed to source second hand Takom individual links and these worked well, spent a while getting the right sag and then realised when upper hull attached to lower hull, the side guards obscured the top track run..  So it begs the question why the kit was initially supplied with transport tracks and not running tracks.  Spare track storage on turret, one side transport and other running.  Supplied PE is easy to work with, note that with parts PE1 and PE2 the 1 mm fold is only on two sides.

The paint scene depicts two Eastern front vehicles whilst I wanted Western front.  Couldn't go for a Normandy '44 vehicle as the turret is wrong for the unit that had them so plumped for a KG Peiper vehicle in the Ardennes, December '44 after acquiring suitable aftermarket decals and noting that zimmerit was not applied to this vehicle.

For this build I treated myself to a new A3 cutting mat, £2.99 at our local store, bargain.









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4 hours ago, Tour de Airfix said:

Very smart! and what an intriguing Airfix release with so many oddities.

I’ve built the 1:72 scale kit and it’s quite a beast sat alongside other tanks, so I can only imagine how it would be in 1:35 scale. 

An idea of size when it sits next to others.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Another King Tiger in the stash.  Thought about a conversion to a Jagd Tiger but my calculations meant that the hull would need to be lengthened by 7.6 mm which would open up a world of pain in adjusting axle spacings.  A pre production turret (aka Porsche turret) but the geometry is complex presumably why it was dropped in favour of the production turret (aka Henschel) so will take the easy option and make a  Panzerbefehlswagen Tiger Ausf.B, the command vehicle.  So only need to work out how to fabricate the radio mast for the rear of the hull deck.


After market running tracks used, this time 18 tooth sprocket.


The supplied PE is a worthwhile addition and lifts the detail level.  For such a large kit some of the components on the rear deck are tiny and tweezer control vital to ensure no 'pinging' and feeding the carpet monster!


Green putty zimmerit application coming along.  Tried to create few gaps as photographs show it wearing away in use.


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Subs went together quite quickly, (what did we do before Tamiya quick drying)?  Tracks are now basically covered by side skirts, did consider distressing those but thought as a command tank it would be at the rear rather than the thick of the action.  


The grey component on the rear deck is the base for the command aerial.  Had one in the spares box.  Some small details are left off at present because I know that I will knock them off and never find them again, so will CA after.





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Next, to make the 'star antenna' for the command tank.  First thoughts are with telephone wire as it has a rigidity to it and try to make the six arms.  First step is the antenna rod.


Obviously the wire is kinked and not straight.  The trick is to roll a steel rule over it length wise and viola a straight wire.


As it is 0.5 mm it should fit into my prepared base.



I'm losing the light now so one for tomorrow.  If my plan doesn't come to fruition I'll have to dig out the soldering iron as I have some 0.15 mm wire which should do.


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Fortunately, good light this morning after a very windy night.  The 'star antenna' had six arms so by my maths if I drilled a 0.5 mm hole every 45 degrees I should achieve what is required.


 Surprised myself, Plan A worked.  I know my 'ceramic insulator' is slightly oversized but I'm getting to my eyeball's limits here!


Without any measurements of the actual antenna had to guess that 10 mm arms would be about right and at 45 degrees to the vertical.  It does look better in the flesh than this photo, honest.  Now to finish tinkering with the vehicle.


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Might have to call my representation of a Panzerbefehlswagen Tiger Ausf.B finished.  Applied washes, powders, rust, highlighted, scratched and chipped enough.  My theory is that most vehicles didn't last enough on the battlefield to become too distressed in appearance.




Carpet monster consumed one of the track hangers, could have made one but thought they would probably get broken off in use.


Didn't use the kit supplied decals and used aftermarket to represent a vehicle used in France during August '44.  Couldn't resist a bit of small calibre damage to the turret front.  For the commander's face I had to downsize from the cocktail stick as a brush to a sewing needle, but at least he has eyebrows now!

Time consuming, head scratching build at times but never the less enjoyable.  Still stand by my observation that the kit should be supplied with running tracks rather than transportation tracks as it adds to the cost to purchase aftermarket tracks of what isn't a cheap kit.


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