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McDonnell Douglas Phantom FG.1 | A06016 | 1:72

Tour de Airfix

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After a couple of months working on D-Day and other WW2 aircraft and AFVs I’m in need for something very different. 

I’ve had this McDonnell Douglas Phantom FG.1. I’m my stash for almost 3 years to the day, so I think it’s definitely about time it saw the light of day! 

This looks to be a very nicely moulded 1:72 scale Airfix kit, BUT what frustrates me is how Airfix provides an excellent range of alternative build options for: 1. In flight, 2. Ready for catapult launch 3. Stowed on or below deck; and then make no consideration for adding crew which would obviously be needed for options 1 & 2 !


I’m going to use a set of PJ Publication figures because they are petit enough to fit the cockpit, although still not without some alteration: I’ve had to remove the navigator’s feet and omit fitting the superbly detailed ejector seat padding and belts. 

I’ve now got to consider how I paint the cockpit and crew before gluing in place as once glued no one is getting out without firing off an ejector seat! 

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The build goes on!

I’ve managed today to get most of the Phantom built, canopy masked and all primed. I’d normally leave the undercarriage until the end, however, these are not only a sturdy fit but they are also going to be the same colour (white) as the underside, so it made sense to fit them now. 


As I’m finding with most of Airfix’s new 1:72 aircraft mouldings, the pieces are more akin to a 3D puzzle than the more traditional construction kit. Every bit is complexly engineered and intended to fit so precisely that any slight misalignment can frustratingly throw a piece, may be 10 steps further on, out of alignment. I’m obviously not very good at these new kits as, just as with the nightmare I had with the Me410, I’m constantly having to reach for the clamps and filler! 😔 

To be honest, I’m already looking forward to getting back to building some armour! 😂 I wonder if I’ll have a better time with some of the new 1:48 scale aircraft I have in my stash. 🤔

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That,s a very nice configuration with the flaps and leading edge detail.

I would have thought that all 1/72 aircraft would have come with pilots as the detail would be fairly limited for open cockpit. (just my opinion as I'm still building the older mouldings)
Whereas 1/48 and above gives more room for finer detailing.


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Valhalla said:

Whereas 1/48 and above gives more room for finer detailing.

I agree.

I’ve only built 2 1:48 scale kits and these were the Spitfire & Me109 dogfight duo. I found they took the higher detailing that Airfix are now trying to get into the 1:72 kits so much better. The fit and “modelability” (if there was such a word) seemed better. For me, the joy of a 1:72 kit is the clean lines and the artistic detail one adds in the final painting and decal application. Adding detail to a 1:72 kit that can not really be seen without a magnifying glass is a step too far for me and detracts from why I’d chose to build this rather than a 1:24 scale kit. 😊

Edited by Tour de Airfix
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11 hours ago, Dominic Thomas said:

Looking good. 
What colour is the upper surface at the moment?

Dominic, I’ve gone for Vallejo’s Dark Sea Grey. The instructions call for Extra Dark Sea Grey but I’ve always found that “Extra” a step too far and for me, a bit too dark for my eye. 

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26 minutes ago, A J Rimmer said:

That does look nice. I was never a fan of the FAA colour scheme on the Phantom but over recent years I've really warmed to it - looking forward to seeing it with some decals on. 

Me too!

For the 40th anniversary of the Falklands War, I set out on a mission to paint every aircraft used, on both sides. I ended up building a full range of Sea Harriers from grey/white to all grey, through to Barley Grey. I do like that grey/white one now for nostalgic reasons. It looks so dated though! 


I’m really looking forward to getting started on the decals. For me, this is when the model comes to life 😊

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1 minute ago, Tour de Airfix said:

.... I do like that grey/white one now for nostalgic reasons. It looks so dated though! 

I’m really looking forward to getting started on the decals. For me, this is when the model comes to life 😊

But probably the nicest scheme when all said though - grey jets are boring! That's a fab collection though - well done! 

Me too! Decalling is my favourite part of the build, it's definitely where the individual personality of the subject first comes to life. 

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2 hours ago, Tour de Airfix said:

The instructions call for Extra Dark Sea Grey but I’ve always found that “Extra” a step too far

I use Vallejo a lot and I have to agree with you that some paints are far to dark yet look ok on the larger scales. It's a case of scaling the paint to the model a lot of the time.


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2 hours ago, Tour de Airfix said:

Dominic, I’ve gone for Vallejo’s Dark Sea Grey. The instructions call for Extra Dark Sea Grey but I’ve always found that “Extra” a step too far and for me, a bit too dark for my eye. 

EDSG is very dark when fresh, but fades rapidly, so a lighter shade is perfectly appropriate. In some cases the fade can lead to blue tones becoming apparent. During the Falklands war Argentinian forces referred to the Sea Harrier as  ‘La Muerta Negra’, the Black Death, because they appeared to be very dark in colour.

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6 hours ago, Tour de Airfix said:

Dominic, I’ve gone for Vallejo’s Dark Sea Grey. The instructions call for Extra Dark Sea Grey but I’ve always found that “Extra” a step too far and for me, a bit too dark for my eye. 

I understand your reasoning. 
For me, the DSG in the photo looks too light. Different strokes for different folks I guess. 
I can’t wait to see the finished product with the markings applied. 

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