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help me please!!! elite bug


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hello all

excuse me for my bad english ... I am Belgian ...

I tried to do an update of my hornby elite and a big bug!

I followed the pdf file for the update so I turn off the unit, press stop for 15 seconds and 15 seconds left and then plugged


the USB

the update was not performed correctly, the software tells me "error fail"

I try to plant rebooted and nothing, it does not work!

on the screen, nothing fits and a green LED is lit

what does it take to return to normal???

helped me because


I'm lost!!


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Hi Benolt, try it again, a few times if necessary (mine worked second time). Problems with firmware updates are relatively common and there doesn't seem to be any logic in who gets them to work and who doesn't or how.

Make sure you get the port right


by checking it in device manager. Make sure you run as Administrator. Remember that you don't have to download the driver again, once is enough: except of course if you try to do it from another computer, which is something else you can try. In fact, if you


have a friend who has been successful, try it with their computer.

You'll find lots of other threads on this problem in this forum. The most recent is I think from Gordon Big Boy who took his Elite to Hornby and was told that they use 2 particular computers


because it works on them.

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I have also had occasional problems with elite upgrades. I have probably done more upgrades than most and the failure rate is low.




Whenever I have had a problem I have been able to load new firmware by starting the load process


from the beginning again.


Give it a go. let us knwo how you go.


btw I used to live in Antwerpen and developed a taste for the well-balanced Belgian diet of friets (chips), beer (dentegems and duvel!), waffles and chocolates!

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Having probably done as many upgrades as Greg on various Windows platforms I can only say to B62 keep trying, as often it takes more than one attempt to sort out an upgrade.

Frites - oh the memory of pulling into a French aire for a mid-day snack when


caravanning over there. Belgian beer I remember as funny shaped glasses 1/2 full of lager and 3/4 full of froth. but very nice. Chocolates - don't start...


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