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Elite - Selecting a Loco using the Keypad


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Could someone please advise me how many digits need to be pressed when selecting a loco using the keypad. I wanted to select loco number 0004. I tried just pressing the '4' button without success, so I tried '0004'. Again no success but my zero button


is a bit hit and miss so it may not be registering. Which is correct, '4' or '0004'


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@stevecamden - Thanks, just need to get it working now!

@Graskie - I don't think it is either of those because everything else works well and I can select a loco using the rotary control

@2e0dtoeric - The display does not actually show that I am


pressing any button at all, so I have not got as far as being able to select it.

@Gregd99 - OK, but I was trying not to have to scroll through entries as I can do that with the rotary control.


I just cannot understand why the unit does not respond


to any key presses after having pressed the 'loco' button.

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I have now solved the issue and I believe it to be caused by an error in the firmware code of v1.41 (and probably the earlier version as well) of the Elite.


I had entered all my loco's in the Favourite category. Unfortunately this


will not then allow the Loco number to be entered using the keypad (even if the Loco number being entered is included in the Favourites list.) The only means of calling up a loco once the Favourite setting had been set to 'On' is by rotating one of the rotary




The instruction manual includes a note under the section describing using the favourites Setting (p.29) to the effect that only those loco's on the favourites list will be able to be called up (which is actually why I adopted it in the first


place) but it does not indicate that the only way of calling up loco's will be using a rotary control and that the keypad will be disabled.


Thanks anyway to all who tried to help me.



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