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R2995XS Black 5 - advice please.


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First time DCC layout up and running with two locos, the above Black5 and the R3037XS Shunter, both brand new locos.

Left the latter loco address at 0003 and changed the Black5 to 0001, both worked fine first time yesterday, responded perfectly to the


controller on the track with the sounds all working fine too.

However today when going to use the Black5 it responded to turning the control by moving forwards a mere fraction and then just apparently cutting out. No response, won't move at all...the sound


functions work ok but that's all. Reprogrammed it to a different number but no change, no movement when I turn the control but still have sound functions. The shunter loco still works fine along the same track which is all brand new.

Am I missing something


obvious? I'm not prepared at this stage to start dismantling the loco or anthing like that as it was an expensive purchase and it can go back to the supplier or hornby direct if necessary.

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As its new return it.

But when you get the replacement model do ensure you don't accidentally bend the valve gear or motion rod especially when handling the loco on and off the track etc As any slight bending of the rods or their fixings will


often cause binding or fouling of the moving rods. Leading to a very slight movement before it locks up!


You could carefully look at both sides of the loco to see if anything has moved or become bent one side compared to the other.

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Cheers guys for replies above ...not a good day, my pet spaniel died this morning.


I did have a go at resetting the decoder on the Black 5.....I use a newly acquired Elite controller. Before anyone says anything it came new with v1.3 and I obviously


need to upgrade via Hornby site to the latest version. However not changing that till this is well sorted. I followed the instructions on page 35 of the v1.3. When I got to the screen " CV 0008 W 000" ( the Black 5 is loco0001) I entered setting 008 as instructed


in the loco decoder intructions which said to set factory default I had to alter CV8 to 008.


The result was the loco still didn't work and also the sound now wasn't working either!!...which I really can't figure out.


I did have a good check of


the loco sides, every rod etc looks fine to me. Failing a miracle I think I'll phone the Liverpool supplier or Hornby direct and see who wants it back under the guarantee....try the supplier first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to add I returned the Black5 to the supplier after phoning them first and they sent a replacement by return of post!! Very quick, sometimes when you've spent a lot of money, it pays not to mess about especially as I'm no expert...so pleased


with the outcome but appreciate the advice on here.

The replacement seems fine...touch wood!

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  • 9 months later...
Pantherdave said: hi I am an old fuddy duddy and VERY OLD don't yet understand fully dcc. But I had the same problem. I have black 5 loco num 4 just tried programed numbers and found black 5 on prog 5 as well this gave movement no sound tried loco

4 sound no move so had same engine proged twice. went rail master deleted both and put black 5 on locco6 worked perfectly. hope this helps I also have deltic bachman would not move but good sound in rail master I clicked on shunt on/off then all worked ok.SO


First time DCC layout up and running with two locos, the above Black5 and the R3037XS Shunter, both brand new locos.
Left the latter loco address at 0003 and changed the Black5 to 0001, both worked fine first

time yesterday, responded perfectly to the controller on the track with the sounds all working fine too.
However today when going to use the Black5 it responded to turning the control by moving forwards a mere fraction and then just apparently cutting out.

No response, won't move at all...the sound functions work ok but that's all. Reprogrammed it to a different number but no change, no movement when I turn the control but still have sound functions. The shunter loco still works fine along the same track which

is all brand new.
Am I missing something obvious? I'm not prepared at this stage to start dismantling the loco or anthing like that as it was an expensive purchase and it can go back to the supplier or hornby direct if necessary.
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PD, for future reference and when you get your new loco, it is good practice not to leave the address of any loco on the default 03. Many like to use the loco running number as that makes the address easy to remember. Then again, I end up twisting my head


and squinting around the layout to read running numbers.


Anyway, when you did your decoder reset, you would then have been in the position that both your shunter and black 5 were on the same 03 address, so both should have responded including sound


to that address. That your black 5 didn't was just more evidence that you had a problem.

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Oops, just realised jevd has dredged up an old thread for his post and it's him we should be replying to. Also jevd, you can make your content a lot more obvious by typing it either before the first reply in square brackets, or after the last. Then it


will show outside the pantherdave said window.


Anyway, I'm not sure I understand your post as it is not possible to have your loco programmed to 2 addressees. The decoder could have last been programmed to one or the other, but not to both. Am I missing


something here?

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Don't be afraid to update your Elite firmware sooner rather then later either. The unit works significantly differently with 1.41 firmware (go straight to 1.41, don't have to first do 1.4) and you may find it annoying to learn to operate it one way, then


having to change.


When you do it, make sure you follow the instructions meticulously, starting with putting it into upgrade mode by all of the press Stop and 15 second delay procedure. It's been quite a while since someone was on here with a problem


doing it. Do try it more then once as it sometimes doesn't work first time. Mine worked second time. It works under all versions of Windows but make sure you are following any specifics for your Windows version.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi all,


I have R2995XS Weathered Black 5 45010, and it didn't come with instructions.


Would somebody please be able to list the sounds for each key.


I have most (1-6) but some I don't recognise, mainly the later ones.


All help







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