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Cannot connect Elite to Laptop running on VISTA


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Hi Really in need of help now as exhausted my knowledge. Hornby support for the first time ever have not been too helpful they are at a los after two emails. I have been using rail master and elite via my old daughters laptop and when that failed my own


steam driven desktop. Both worked well even if a bit slow. I have now got my own laptop back from my daughter (running Vista with McAfee anti virus supplied by BT Broadband) and after help from rail master managed to get that activated. Now having difficulty


getting it to recognise elite (it is updated to latest firmware etc 1.41) after many hours of messing about I did get it to recognise emulator and then appeared to have got driver loaded but appearing in com29. (I have 3 usb ports) When I try to set com port


in railmaster states no such com port or similar. If I move usb to another port not recognising the device again. Any help please thanks Malcolm

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poliss said:

Have you looked in Device Manager for error messages?

No error messages showing - clearly shows elite driver at port 29 seems as though my BT occupies a load of ports - thanks for the response Malcolm
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poliss said:

Have you looked in Device Manager for error messages?

No error messages showing - clearly shows elite driver at port 29 seems as though my BT occupies a load of ports - thanks for the response Malcolm
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Gregd99 said:

to exp[and on Poliss note..... look in the ports section of device manager. does the elite show up? are you using the right com #? are there any errors flagged?

Hi thanks for reply - in ports section of dm Hornby

elite shows up but as a port numbered 29 - not sure how it got to that number no errors flagged Malcolm
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Gary_Leeds said:

Also I would remove and reinstall the software making sure you install as administrator (right click the file then run as administrator). It is possible the drivers are getting missed if you didn't do that


all the trouble I had activating the software and bearing in mind railmaster actually did a remote installation and ultimately manual activation as my BT Mcafee was apparently being very aggressive towards him ?????? Malcolm
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HI All Deleted B anti virus and found out how to alter port number - can only use one usb port it seems but at least I am now operational with the elite. Now moving onto handheld see separate thread. Not sure whether it was just altering the port number


or deleting anti virus or both but thanks for assistance. Malcolm

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poliss said:

I hope you restarted your anti-virus software.

I loaded avg as a temporary measure but will reload the BT as I presume all will be okay but am waitinguntil I sort out the ipad ip address and server port number.

Bit confused which ones thanks for reply Malcolm
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