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Windows 8/RT RailMaster app?

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Railmaster runs on Windows 8. Win 8 is really Win 7 with a shell to show apps just as a mobile or tablet would do.

Apart from that the operating system is Windows 7 with minor alterations.

I have tested it on Win 8 64 bit with no problems. Having


said all that I hate Win 8 and all its new bells etc and so have reverted back to Win 7. Maybe I am just an over fussy tech who hates apps!!!

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Ok to clarify, I mean a RailMaster app for Windows 8, not the standard desktop version because that won't work on Windows RT.


I want an app for Windows 8/RT that you get from the Windows Store, not the desktop application.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Geffus35

My Win8 does not ID the Elite in Device Manager/Ports either but if I pull the usb cable, wait for the disconnect ding-dong and reinsert the cable again whilst watching Device Manager I can see the port that drops out and in again has to


be the Elite even if it doesn't say so.

Proof of the pudding is to set whatever you are doing with your Elite (update, RailMaster, Etc) to that Com port and it will work.


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EDDS86 - RailMaster doesn't work on RT. RT is nothing like Windows 8 - MS have made it look like Windows 8 but it isn't, which is also why there are hardly any apps available for RT. I suspect that RT will die a death soon. Far too expensive and Android


and Apple iOS are far more capable, cheaper and have 1000 times more apps. There's not enough room in the market place for all these different tablet operating systems. And Android is overtaking Apple as each month passes, by millions of units ... literally




Oh, and the other thing is that MS won't allow Google to put Chrome or Safari on the RT, which is what RailMaster uses on Android and Apple respectively. MS to blame, completely controlling the market!


I bought an RT tablet ... and


sold it within a week. Nice machine but useless!


C'est la vie!


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Geffus35 said:

Hi, Running windows 8, unable to get the computer to auto find the Elite. Any help out there? Thank You Geffus35

Hi Geff, the instructions for finding the correct port are in the material provided by RM. there is

no auto find, you have to go looking. Open Control Panel and Find Device Manager and under USB, you should find the driver you have already installed by following those instructions. Note its port number, then use that when installing/using the Elite.


Not trying to be picky but you have put this in a thread on a quite different topic. You'll get more help if you put it in its own thread with a good descriptive title for your problem. And on the problem, I'm not sure whether you are trying to upgrade Elite

firmware or run RM from what you've said. In this instance, advice is pretty much the same though.
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