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What am I doing wrong or is it just rubbish?


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Bought and installed TM.

Starts OK

Authorized CHECK



Select a track piece and it comes up with an unusable oversized icon.

Select the same piece again and it appears ok.


Select a piece to move it around the layout and it


vanishes off the board somewhere and becomes difficult to drag back to the layout.


After a few times then it crashes and has to be closed.


Is this normal?

Am I doing something wrong?

Is TM just a pile of $h!t?

Anyone else with the same


issues or got solutions?

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Hi jnb... Like you i'm having the same problems, also i find when i save a plan and ty to reinstall it i loose the base board or some times it comes back all jumbelled up.. I think the program is rubbish wish i had never bought it should have gone for


anyrail... Let me know if you get any joy...


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If you look back through the threads in this forum, you'll find some who've previously noted limitations with this, although its good to see it is working for some.

For me, a limitation is that it only works with Hornby track so using someone else's


live frog points is not an option. To do this, I went with anyrail which I've found to be brilliant, although it costs. Others have noted a number of other free program's too.

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There's nothing wrong with the program. It is fine. You just need to install it correctly and that means by right clicking on the setup file and selecting "Run as administrator". If you did not do that then you need to reinstall ... HOWEVER .. you cannot


just re-run the setup file as Windows will now remember the first time you installed it WITHOUT admin rights and continuing denying those rights. So what you have to do is just uninstall the software from the Start menu then ... and this is important ... you


MUST delete the c:program files (x86)trackmaster folder AND empty your recycle bin. This will completely remove the program.


Now you can re-install properly. IF you activated the program after installing incorrectly obviously the key needs to be reset


so just email the TrackMaster team directly at support@rail-master.com and tell them what you did and they will sort you out. In my experience, they never ignore emails and always reply within an hour, even at evenings and weekends.


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LMSTim said:

There's nothing wrong with the program. It is fine. You just need to install it correctly and that means by right clicking on the setup file and selecting "Run as administrator". If you did not do that then you need to reinstall

... HOWEVER .. you cannot just re-run the setup file as Windows will now remember the first time you installed it WITHOUT admin rights and continuing denying those rights. So what you have to do is just uninstall the software from the Start menu then ... and

this is important ... you MUST delete the c:program files (x86)trackmaster folder AND empty your recycle bin. This will completely remove the program.

Now you can re-install properly. IF you activated the program after installing incorrectly obviously

the key needs to be reset so just email the TrackMaster team directly at support@rail-master.com and tell them what you did and they will sort you out. In my experience, they never ignore emails and always reply within an hour, even at evenings and weekends.
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I realise all this TMSTim...


I contacted support with the acknownledgement as I stated that I had installed the software without using the administartor facility - which is submerged in the readme file on the disc - I go back to them 3 times without


response. I went thru the usual steps to confirm if the key was registered which it was so was left with having to seek renewal of the key to reinstall.


I am no slug with systems software and clensed my PC of the sofetware including the prog directory


- empty recycle bin etc and the registry to reinstall understanding the key was already registered. No succesess as expected.


It' took a week for a response and not over a week end. I have now been on to the track master support without respnse - not


over a week end. I didn't say anyone is ignoring emails - there has just been no response and there is no obvious link to Track-Master support as you seem to be able to supply and support.


Two weeks is really sad and I continue to wait - I like Hornby


but this is really a piss take.


You use words like obviously to say the key nneeds to be reactivated - I knew this but am still waiting - honest mistake and suffering - you sound like an IT admin jerk.


I'm gone from Track Master - enjoying Anyrail


- Looking at your threads you are either an angry zealout or on a payrole.



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LMSTim said:

There's nothing wrong with the program. It is fine. You just need to install it correctly and that means by right clicking on the setup file and selecting "Run as administrator". If you did not do that then you need to reinstall

... HOWEVER .. you cannot just re-run the setup file as Windows will now remember the first time you installed it WITHOUT admin rights and continuing denying those rights. So what you have to do is just uninstall the software from the Start menu then ... and

this is important ... you MUST delete the c:program files (x86)trackmaster folder AND empty your recycle bin. This will completely remove the program.

Now you can re-install properly. IF you activated the program after installing incorrectly obviously

the key needs to be reset so just email the TrackMaster team directly at support@rail-master.com and tell them what you did and they will sort you out. In my experience, they never ignore emails and always reply within an hour, even at evenings and weekends.
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So much for the support.


It has been over 2 weeks now and only 1 email response pointing me to another department. Should be alot faster than this when I have identified to them what I had done wrong. - just rest the key for me that is all I wanted.




have given up trying to get what I want out of this crowd.


I've now gone for AnyRail which is fantastic - no issues with the installation as it is scripted to suit and no over the top protection that creates most installation issues. If you are to have


OTT protection for even the track-master product then provide the support resource.


A question for Hornby - is this level of support the same as is provided for your other products?


Well all I can assume is Yes. I'll be seeking alternates to


your products from now on.


I could only hope for the support that LMSTim gets.



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Gregd99 said:

can I suggest that you contact HCC again. Perhaps your query has been mislaid.

Hi Gregd99,

Thanks for your post. I've tried contacting them and track master support 6 times now - 4 service numbers if someone

wants those.

It took over a week to respond to the first enquiry.

Was intending to design a layout with my son over our holiday - that's over now so have started using Anyrail.
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While only a trial user of RM and TM at this stage, and I then went for anyrail anyway, I find it interesting how different the experience has been for some.

I realise the administrator rights issue has tricked some but, given its a common problem,


and many seem to have had first time good service in resolving it, I'm not sure why others seem to have a really bad experience.

One thing that occurs to me though is that Hornby aren't the developers of these programs, they've clearly contracted it out


and the support comes from the developers too. Consequently, contacting HCC can only get you a referral to the right people - see the reference to the correct email back on page 1 of the thread. I can't remember anyone who has used this email who has bad service.



There is a good example of how responsive this group can be in the RM forum. Have a look in the thread about the handheld/iPad development which is currently in beta and available to try. Users report the team almost working in real time including at night


and weekends to fix bugs reported. And it's working too - I waited until it was reported as working pretty well then downloaded and installed the trial without a hitch.

So don't despair, Hornby and their team can and do get it right.

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admin rights (or equivalent) exist in most (all? not sure about apple stuff) operating systems.


The idea is that "normal" people can happily use the computer but don't have the ability to kill it reconfiguring/deleting/adding things that they should




Unfortunately Microsoft have never quite got this right and some "normal" things need "admin" rights - eg to run a backup!! They have got progressively much better but as of win 7 there are still some unusual things.


on the other hand UNIX


and derivatives operate in the mode that "all" users are "normal" and that anything requiring admin rights is really quite exceptional.

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Still no response.


It would seem the support is going to new products. I like it that Hornby purport to provide support then a comment comes about that a 3rd party is the developer and has tardy support. You put your name to a product and you support


your name - don't blame others.


I can accept having to install as admin but this was not obvious and with current packages not the not - and if it isn't they make it clear. My point is - I admit I made the mistake - told these roosters and all I need


is the key reset. All I wanted was the key reset and a tiny wee bit of help.


You live and learn.

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Fishmanoz said:

Baldrick, I think you may have misinterpreted what I said. Just email support@rail-master.com and tell them your problem and ask for your key to be reset. The Railmaster people are known for giving good support.



I have emailed them a couple of times and no response doing exactly that. so no misunderstanding there. Thanks for the advice - much appreciated
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i,m on version 1.06 and mine hasnt updated to 1.07 plus the link you have to powerpos doesnt work.. plus if you go to powerpos on google search it bring up s--t about shop pos...


Isn't the current version 1.05? Mine hasn't updated to 1.07 - and


this link doesn't work.



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