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loco decoders acting strange re address numbering


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hi. Train works fine and then suddenly stops and wont respond except the lights do turn on and off. Done a factory reset by writing value 8 to cv 8 which the loco then acts normally on address 3. Try re-addressing loco to previous number (e.g. 26) which

it accepts but then won't respond on the track. Reading cv1 value is 26. Loco will work fine on a new address number (e.g. 76) but can't seem to use its old 26 address at all. Can anyone help please. Thanks.
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One possibility is that the decoder is overheating or protectively shutting down due to a large current - ie fault - in the loco. Reprogramming is a 'low current' procedure and so may appear to continue working. If you have a multi-meter - remove the decoder,

and then check the resistance across the motor connections, and also between the blue-wire position and white/yellow/green function wires.

It might be worth rotating the decoder plug 180 degrees if the 8 pin type - ans also to check the pins are not

pushed so far down that they are touching metal beneath - causing a short circuit - a piece of insulating tape beneath th socket might help.
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I am having a very similar problem. My new Bachmann class 73 is fitted with a Hornby sapphire decoder and programed with address 12, it all worked fine for about a week operating it with an Elite controller. I then ran the loco from my PC using RailMaster,
after a minute the loco just stopped running. The lights still switched on and off from the Elite but the loco would not run. After removing the decoder and trying it on a DC track it worked fine but would not run with the decoder reinstalled. I then changed
the address back to 3 and the loco worked perfectly. Changing the address back to 12 and the loco will not run again.
Any ideas what the problem could be and how to fix, could it be that the Sapphire decoder is not compatible with RailMaster??
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Often a short circuit somewhere on the layout will cause some decoders to reset back to their factory default values. Making a loco that was formerly address number xx become 3 again.

The Railmester software should not effect the way a decoder

operates. Its the main DCC console (Elite) thats running the locos, not the Railmaster, which is just providing data commands to the console.

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No the address never changed, the lights would still switch

on and off with address 12 but the loco motor would not go untill I changed the address. Now the original address will not work.
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Hi, Bit of a long shot but you are aware that the Saphire decoder has the ability to keep a record of the amount of theoretical "coal" and "water" a particular loco is carrying!Is it possible that the original loco has "run out" of one of these essential

supplies and therefore refuses to go any further until it gets a fresh supply, just like the real thing!Changing the decoder address possibly starts the loco with a tender full of coal and water or in the case of a diesel a full tank of fuel. Check the decoder

booklet for top up instructions or turn the option off altogether.
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Hi Stevecamden, I'm sure by now you will have checked the Hornby site but just in case, I kid ye not, I have bought two of these but never got round to fitting them since I got sidetracked into Sound decoders so I'm afraid I can't tell you which CVs are

controlling the "consumables" but you have to admit the way your decoders are acting it's a distinct possibility that's what the problem is. We do keep asking for more & more "realism" don't we.

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