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Speed Steps


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I understand that Speed Steps are specified in commands such as:

Forward to 27

However, I prefer to use 14 as my speed step setting, rather than 128.


Could someone please advise, how will Railmaster interpret this setting if the number entered


(27 in the above example) is greater than my maximum speed step setting of 14?

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I prefer 14 steps because I find it more controllable, especially when needing to knock off some speed quickly. For me, 128 steps just means too many turns of the controller.

I realise that it is personal choice though.

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I wouldn't have said accel/decel had the same effect as speed steps. Setting them to high values is as if your train has a lot of weight, hence momentum, and so there is a lag between changing the speed and the train responding fully (it starts responding


immediately but takes a while before the full change occurs). To me, this makes the train movement more realistic. It's not what you want happening for precise shunting operation though.


And interesting how personal preference differs. One of the reasons


I prefer the Elite is that it allows for slow, smooth change in speed using the 128 steps, when compared to the Select.

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