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16 minutes ago, What About The Bee said:



Is the quartering out?  This may be an artifact of your photo, but it looks to be 5 to 10° out of phase


That is out of my expertise, so although I love the Loco, it will be going back or break down for parts if I have to keep it. I mean it has decent to good clean body and that maybe just worth own it own as much I paid for this Loco.

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There are so many things with these 'super-detailed' locomotives.

Looking at the video, the running does look pretty smooth.  I wouldn't like one considerably faster in one direction than the other, and particularly if it were an express passenger locomotive which is faster backwards!

Be very careful with quartering - even a very slight adjustment can either totally resolve an issue, or cause one which didn't exist before.  These wheels, gripped firmly can be very slightly 'rotated' in the interests of quartering, but only do this if proven to be necessary.

I don't think Deem's locomotive's quartering is out, looking at the video.  If that WatB photo was of the same locomotive, it would indicate it might be.  Neither of my Britannias are particularly smooth at, say, setting 30 and below, both having a pinch point, but above this point they're fine, so I'm living with for now.


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Wouldn't it be prudent to just replace the wheel set which is roughly 14.99 plus postage from ebay?

I don't know the actual model as this loco comes in a train set, not an individual loco, but based on the pictures and parts it seem to me that this loco service sheet should be 384, obviously, mine is without sound but decoder socket is in tender with 4 pin connector from loco to tender. According to this sheet I need x9593 wheel set which are available  "strangely" from ebay or maybe else where as well?

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What I could benefit if I can have either pictures or video showing how to remove this loco body before I can attempt any repair.

Also would it be easy if I start new post or maybe moderator can move it to new post for me, just in case if this is becoming a long post inside another post?

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10 hours ago, atom3624 said:

This might be the video you want!!  


I like OOBill's videos, as he's obviously skilled, knowledgeable and experienced, but also 'obviously average' and can make some mistakes, which he corrects - you see the rough and the smooth.


Thanks, @atom3624, very, very strange but as I was lifting the loco today to brace myself to remove the body I noticed that chassis screw which hold the chassis to body came off from somewhere, I don't know if that was the reason, because after removing the body from chassis I tested the Loco with direct power to motor and loco ran perfectly. Without doing anything else I put the body back on the chassis and reassembles everything, rear pony, put the screw and tighten it so it holds the body securely with chassis, front pony or front bogie wheel. To my surprise, loco ran perfectly going backward or forward. My guess is the screw was holding the body to chassis must come off at some point it was stuck somewhere causing the issue. I am glad all sorted, now I can install HM7000 8 pin decoder with Britannia sound profile and use on my DCC test track.

Just wanted to say lots of thanks to all members who helped and other who enjoyed this post.

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44 minutes ago, atom3624 said:

Sam of Sam's Trains normally opens them up, but this one he didn't.


He did have an issue with the valvegear 'though ~15'.


I don't think his scoring is that accurate. Just my opinion.

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Hi Deem, you will have seen the small mouldings which mount on top of part of the valvegear, of which a round part slots neatly into the running board.

The running boards should be straight, flat and even - all this established, then I'm glad it's all resolved.


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6 hours ago, atom3624 said:

Hi Deem, you will have seen the small mouldings which mount on top of part of the valvegear, of which a round part slots neatly into the running board.

The running boards should be straight, flat and even - all this established, then I'm glad it's all resolved.



You mean this? I am just glad it's all sorted and now I can focus on few other locos which I need to pay attention to as well. Production line was clogged up due to this loco but now things should run more smoothly.

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On 14/09/2024 at 15:37, Deem said:

I am struggling to solve the running issue so I thought I ask in the forum and maybe someone may advice which solve my problem. This Loco runs in both direction but speed it runs is different, going backward is faster and smoother at the same throttle of controller compare to going forward. Please see below video, as this loco have so much detail I am reluctant to remove the body to inspect. Is there anything I can do without removing the body? I have cleaned the wheels and lubricated all parts but still no improvement. It is better than few days ago but not to my satisfaction.



above video Before and below video after, difference is massive.




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4 hours ago, moawkwrd said:

New (to me) 20T Brake Van on the right. Old on the left (if you couldn’t tell).


Just realised it has the same number as the old version.

I have a couple of the old version re-painted in freight grey as I used to see them on the Halliwell Branch in Bolton from the bus on the way to secondary school in the 1970s. Usually with a class 25 and some covered vans or 16t mineral wagons which I think were taking coal to Back O’th bank power station. 

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