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New HST and SWD sound chip


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Has anyone experienced problems with this combination. HST with standard chip works fine, the sound chip works perfectly. After a few days of inactivity the HST when fitted with the sound chip will not work until the HST is run for 5 minutes with the standard


chip. Customer service from both Hornby and SWD has been excellent but they are both stumped by this problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I suspect Brando may have missed the change of the chip bit and is referring to your start up sequence requirement, which I think is correct.


The idea that a sound chip, on fitting to a loco, can tell if the loco has just run 5 minutes with another


chip or not, sounds far fetched. But then I can't explain why the chip would not work on a cold loco, then later work on a warm loco whether it has had another chip fitted or not.


Brian, can I suggest you try this for the purposes of elimination. Take


out the sound chip, fit a blanking plate and run DC for 5 minutes, then refit the sound chip and see if it works. And does the chip work after just removing for a short time then replacing without any 5 minute thing? Does making the remove/replace time 5 minutes


make any difference (I'm struggling here but thinking capacitor leakage discharge time here as a possible effect that allows the chip to reset and start up again).


In summary, subject to what you find from my suggestions, I'm thinking faulty sound chip


here - return to supplier for replacement under warranty.

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