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Running locos on both DC and DCC.


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In theory you should be able to run a DCC model on dc without any problems. However, in practice, it really depends on how smooth the dc power is. Many dc controllers use pulsed power rather than pure dc and the DCC decoders don't run so well on pulsed




There are also some thoughts that long term running on dc may shorten the life of the decoder.

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RDS, the one thing they don't need is encouragement! Try not to do this please ..... at all ..... ever!


You also need to triple spellcheck everything, at least twice. And always use the grammar checker, the Graskie checker and the WTD checker. Finally,


if on a non DCC or RM forum, use the PP prattle postman checker too. If none of that works, call the poliss, he will deal with them for you.

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I use Google chrome as well and I have been far happier since I ditched IE about 12 months ago.

I got fed up with it saying 'IE has encountered a problem and needs to close'


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See thread title - can you run DCC locos on DC and vice versa? Answer - it is possible to run DCC on DC, although pulsed DC power supplies may be a problem with damaging decoders, but you can't run DC on DCC or you will most likely burn out your armature




So best not to do either and also a good idea to turn off the DC running option in your decoders to avoid runaways which can happen when a decoder is getting poor DCC signal and then interprets it as full volts DC and takes off.




do we really need to go back to spell checking?

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