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Sorry if I appear to be treating you like an idiot, but on no account attach the mains directly to the track. I'm sure you know that.


Welcome to the forum. There's tons of knowledge on here, ask whatever you like as long you don't mention companies


other than Hornby.

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Thank you all, of course no mains power to rails, but thanks

I have read through the first section of the blog you kindly sent to me, however the question still remains, how do I connect the Bus wire to the controllor, is there a socket for this or


do I need to modify it somehow?

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Oh dear, the poster seems to be on a death wish. If as he says he understands the whole Bus Wire Thing then he has chosen the right screen name.


Think he should read it all again.


Deadlysteve you aren't by any chance an Edition 17 qualified


sparky are you? or was your post a mickey take?

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I think we could probably help you better if we knew a little bit more about your system.

What controller are you using?

I assume it is DCC as you put the thread in the DCC section?


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