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E-Link frustrations


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I am a beginner with DCC operation although not model railways.


I have just purchased E-link and am having great difficulties getting it to work.


I originally connected via a laptop running Windows 8 (64-bit) and every time I closed down


the Railmaster software I had to disconnect the USB cable, power down the E-link, power it up again and reconnect the USB cable before Railmaster recognised the E-link and connected properly and even then it would occasionally fail on handshake. However, I'm


now trying it on an old deskyop running Windows XP and it appears to connect alot better.


However, another difficulty I have is that I am unable to change Loco ID. I follow all the instructions, using a program track, and when I check the CV the ID


still reads as 0003. That is using a Railroad Warship Class 42 and Evening Star (R3097). Also my model of Evening Star constantly runs in the opposite direction to which it is programmed. Changing the settings in Railmaster makes no difference - does that


mean that the DCC connector could have have wired incorrectly during manufacture?


The Railmaster software keeps coming up with an icon on the top right of the 'ALL STOP' block indicating that the DCC controller needs re-setting. I have tried re-setting


and powering down but the icon is still there. Would anyone agree with my thinking that the E-Link unit could be faulty?


Any help that can be given will be greatly appreciated by myself and my 2 sons.


Many thanks



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The red 'button' (not icon) at the top right of the reset button on RailMaster doesn't mean the eLink "NEEDS" resetting. This is the reset button you can use when you WANT to reset it.


I believe this is all explained in the PDF manual, which is


installed on your Start menu.


When you were using Windows 8 did you install the Elite driver or let Windows 8 use its own serial driver. This is important as it can make a difference. Did you also follow the dedicated driver installation PDF guide which


is also installed onto your Start menu?


As for the reverse of the loco, I have found myself that some (rarely) Hornby locos seem to have been wired incorrectly so that they run in reverse by default. For some locos, just opening it up and changing the


decoder connecter through 180 degrees seems to have done the trick. For others using the CV programming to program the loco in reverse works (again see the PDF guide).


When you are programming the loco do you hear it buzz quietly on the programming


track? In my experience most, if not all, locos tend to make a short noise or even move slightly when programming. have you tried another loco to rule out your warship?


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Hi thanks for the response. Guess I missed the bit about 'reset' when reading the manual.


I followed all the instructions for set up under Windows 8. Depending on which USB port I connect to the E-link is either picked up as the Hornby device or


as USB Serial Port. It eventually connects but seems so frustrating whereas with XP the connection is constant without any problems. Also with Windows 8 every time I launch Railmaster I get User Account Control kicking in despite having amended the settings.


I'll see if I can get a Windows 7 32 bit PC to test it on.


With regard to changing the Loco ID I've tried with the 2 decoders I have and neither works. The only time I hear a buzz is if I read the CV when there is a buzz as it starts to read. I have


also attempted to change the ID from within the CV screen but still the same response.


I have the Railmaster software updated to the latest version and have tried the changes using both computers. The software on the XP machine is an 'evaluation' copy


as the registered copy is on the Windows 8 PC.


Thanks again



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From all of my reading the orange wire DOES go to pin 1. If the loco runs in reverse then the usual solution is to use bit 0 in CV29 to set the loco to run in the right direction. see https://www.hornby.com/filelibrary/download/?FileID=137 fro


details assuming that you are using an 8249 decoder.


if the CV29 solution doesn't work then perhaps contact hornby cust care.

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the problems that you are having seem to be more to do with windows/railmaster (driver issue) and general dcc (decoder issue). I hope that some of the suggestions above can hep solve these issues.


what can you tell us about the e-link


itself. doe sit just have two sets of connectors - track and programme? are there any lights/bells//whistles/other connectors?



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Thanks for everyone's replies.


Doing some more tests today if I disable UAC(!) in Windows 8 and run the software under an Admin account I am able to maintain the connection to the E-link without having to power it down, however, if I switch to a


Standard User the problems with the connection between the E-link and PC return.


Not having a PC running 32 bit Windows makes it difficult to know whether this is just down to 64 bit or Windows 8 in general.


The E-link has 4 connectors on it:


- power, USB, track & program. When starting Railmaster there are 2 beeps which occur while the connection is being made. If those beeps don't occur then I know that I have to power down the E-link to get it working. As I say with Windows XP no problems with


the connection.


I'm wondering if my program track has a problem and that's why I can't amend CVs so I'm going to try a different setup when I get some more kit.


I'll post again when I have got my 'new' program track set up.


Thanks again


for all the help.





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Ricky, you have just found one of the Rm fiddly bits (or some say not fiddly bits) and that is you must run it as administrator or it doesn't work properly. It is not a 32/64 bit thing, it is a Windows 7/8 thing.


At least on the principle that


you only learn when things go wrong, LMSTim told me how to ensure it is run as administrator by right clicking on the desktop icon for RM, selecting Properties, then the Compatibility tab and ticking run as administrator.


And faulty, or maybe just


dirty, programming track is certainly a possibility given that you can neither change address or direction using it.

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Well having now set up E-link on a Windows 7 system the connection problems have virtually gone but I am still unable to do any programming using my new setup. I get a noise from the loco when I read the CV but nothing happens when I try to amend the settings.


The fact that this is happening with 2 different decoders to me indicates some sort of error within the E-link hardware. I'll try Hornby Customer Care see what they have to say.



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Possibly Ricky, but unlikely given W8 is only 7 with a fancy touch screen desktop. Just as if it runs on Vista, it should run on 7, so if it runs on 7, it should run on 8. But maybe Hornby have found the exception to prove the rule.
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RickyT7808 said:
I am still unable to do any programming using my new setup. I get a noise from the loco when I read the CV but nothing happens when I try to amend the settings.

One thing to check is the programming mode.

if you use ops mode this is only valid on the main line. if you use another mode they are only valid on the programming track.
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After some assistance from Hornby Customer Care all seems to be well. Not sure what actually happened but I am now, at last, able to change loco IDs.


Thanks for everyone's help, I'm sure I'll be back again with more questions over the coming months.



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Could you share with us the advice from Customer services as I also have just bought an elink and have had similar issues.


Cv's not reading properly, unable to write loco addresses and long codes completely messing up a chip, the only thing


that seems to work properly is writing 8 to CV8 to reset a chip!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I am having problems reading cv's from non hornby decoders using e link.I.e false readings.

Personaly I prefer to solder feed wires direct to tracks to make sure of good contact(essential with dcc) so its not the "capacator" problem.



care say they are informing Railmaster people of this problem,as my elite reads same decodes fine.

The mention of problems changing address promted this post,but I also wonddered if others have had problems reading non hornby(Saphire) decoders.



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The quicker way to get action on such a problem would be to email RM Support from within RM Help.


While I'm not doubting you have the problem, really it shouldn't happen. All decoders are built to the same NMRA specification so that what you can


do with one brand, you should also be able to do with another. So fixing this may not be straightforward and the sooner you get Rm Support on the job the better.


Knowing who to contact with eLink problems is also an issue as Hornby have split their


software support and other support. However it seems clear from other posts that RM Support are handling eLink given it is just a RM software controlled interface e after all.

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Fishmanoz said:

Not at all sure that is true brando. It works perfectly well for many including me on W 7 or 8. You may notice it even has specific drivers to use and instructions to follow though, and you are asking for trouble if you don't.
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  • 3 months later...
RickyT7808 said:

Thanks for everyone's replies.

Doing some more tests today if I disable UAC(!) in Windows 8 and run the software under an Admin account I am able to maintain the connection to the E-link without having to power it

down, however, if I switch to a Standard User the problems with the connection between the E-link and PC return.

Not having a PC running 32 bit Windows makes it difficult to know whether this is just down to 64 bit or Windows 8 in general.


E-link has 4 connectors on it: - power, USB, track & program. When starting Railmaster there are 2 beeps which occur while the connection is being made. If those beeps don't occur then I know that I have to power down the E-link to get it working. As I say

with Windows XP no problems with the connection.

I'm wondering if my program track has a problem and that's why I can't amend CVs so I'm going to try a different setup when I get some more kit.

I'll post again when I have got my 'new' program

track set up.

Thanks again for all the help.


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