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Version 1.52 available

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I noticed this morning that version 1.52 of RailMaster is now available for download.

As usual though, it will not update correctly from within RailMaster and has to be done manually through powerpos.

The correct address to use is as follows:




paste this address (rather than the one shown on RailMaster when you are advised of the update) into your browser, right click and run as administrator.


I wish that RailMaster support would include the correct address and amend the spelling of the word


'release' in the announcement!

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Please note that if your computer is unable to download the RailMaster update automatically then you are able to download it manually from the link specified in the warning message (www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe) and when downloaded you should


right-click on the file and "Run as administrator". You can also use the download link www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup152.exe.


The spelling of the word "release" in the notes has been corrected.


With regard to your PC not downloading RailMaster


updates automatically, this is not an error within the software. This only happens for one of two reasons:-


1) Your RailMaster installation does not have full administrator rights to your PC and therefore is not allowed by Windows to download the update


(especially the case on 64-bit systems). This is usually because it was not installed correctly in the first instance. You can remedy this by right-clicking the icon you use to run RailMaster, selecting "Properties" from the pop-up menu then clicking on the


Compatibility tab and ensuring there is a check in the box "Run as administrator".


2) The most likely reason is that your Internet security software (antivirus and/or firewall) is blocking the download process. You should ensure that RailMaster is added


as an exception to your antivirus and firewall software. Some software, such as McAfee and Norton are particularly aggressive at blocking programs and will not invite you to unblock as other Internet security packages do.


If the above two points are


met then RailMaster should always download all updates without problems, assuming your PC is connected to the Internet.


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Thank you for your very prompt response.

I have always had to download updates from the powerpos site and I am quite happy to continue to do this. However, the version number is always required after the word 'setup' as specified


in the second download link you have provided.

I have found that using the link without the version number, always results in error 404, page not found.


I am the only user of my computer and I have full administrator rights. Incidentally, the compatibility


TAB on my version does not contain an option to run as administrator. Maybe this is because I am the administrator? I am running XP, SP3. I use the Microsoft Firewall.


Thanks again, I look forward to using the latest version of RailMaster, that I have


successfully downloaded, using the link containing 152.



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Something seems to have changed in the last 4 hours or so because now, when trying the link without the version number added at the end, it downloads OK without an error message.


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We can assure you that the link without the version number works also.


Windows XP does not have the same security restrictions on downloads as subsequent Windows versions so in this case the operating system is not the cause of the download problem.


We are certain that the fact that RailMaster does not download the automatic update is due to your security software settings.


Check your antivirus and firewall software and ensure RailMaster is listed as an exception for both antivirus and firewall


and you will find that updates download automatically.


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Firstly - In my opinion e-link/Railmaster is a great product!


My "automatic" 1.52 update failed too. It also caused Railmaster to lose the USB port setting.

My laptop is running Windows XP SP3 so no administrator problems.

1] I downloaded


and tried the unumbered setup.exe - failed

2] I downloaded and tried the setup152.exe - failed because it couldn't replace the main Railmaster program.

3] I closed down Railmaster and tried running setup152.exe again -success. Why don't the instructions


say "close down railmaster before attempting?


Question - if the setup152.exe can't replace the main Railmaster program whilst it's running, how can the automated download replace it - perhaps it can't - which may be why the automated process fails


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It is widely known that when installing a new version of the same piece of software you should always close the running software first.


When RailMaster handles the automated download and installation of the software it does this for you. Although


we have mentioned the fact that antivirus and firewall software is the main cause of RailMaster not being able to perform the automatic download and installation, this has not been addressed in any responses here.


You really should check your antivirus


and firewall software and add RailMaster as an exception, then the automatic download and installation will work as intended. RailMaster does not have the ability to get around the security software in place on your PC.


RailMaster is doing a simple


thing, downloading an update file and running although security software will stop this.


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HornbyRailMasterSupport said:

It is widely known that when installing a new version of the same piece of software you should always close the running software first.

When RailMaster handles the automated download and installation of

the software it does this for you. Although we have mentioned the fact that antivirus and firewall software is the main cause of RailMaster not being able to perform the automatic download and installation, this has not been addressed in any responses here.


really should check your antivirus and firewall software and add RailMaster as an exception, then the automatic download and installation will work as intended. RailMaster does not have the ability to get around the security software in place on your PC.


is doing a simple thing, downloading an update file and running although security software will stop this.

Considering the wide spectrum of IT skills out there and the range of customers that e-link is intended it's best to remember the other

thing that's widely known - "if it can go wrong - it will"

The Railmaster version 1.52 automatic update failure message just indicated "download and run xxxxxxx.setup.exe" which infers that those actions would do the equivalent of the failed automatic

The message should have been "close Railmaster then download and run the latest version (1.52)"

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It appears that my posting at 14:15 this afternoon crossed exactly with your response, also at 14:15.

I can confirm that the update without the version number loaded successfully.

By the way, it is great to have instant


responses from Hornby on this forum and it shows real commitment to customer support. Thank you very much.

I also agree with a previous post as well - RailMaster is an excellent product and I am sure it will get even better.

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Automated success this morning, after I'd disabled the virus checker. Interestingly something I didn't do for the previous two updates ? Now if we could only have an Apple version there would be no problems - how about it RailMaster :)
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DRB49 said:

Just for balance, the update worked OK for me and updated the Elink as well. The update process automatically closed down Railmaster prior to the re-install. No problems so far.

Worked for me, just like yours, as it

has done previously on 2 laptops. Had to do it manually on one some time ago, but not since.

A lot of software asks to shut down running programs for you if it hasn't already been done - something to consider for the future?
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Having major problems with 1.52, so much so have gone back to 1.51 until its sorted out.


It upgraded fine but two problems found;


1) points stop working and have to close and reopen railmaster to get them working again.

2) Functions stop


working also.


No such problems with 1.51.


I'm using windows xp and elite 1.41

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Improved recovery from short circuits, including the on screen message in all cases, no need to power down and a firmware upgrade v1.03 for eLink as part of it.


HRMS tells you on one of the other threads and in the Railmaster directory on your


computer, it installs a Release Notes text file to tell you what is in each upgrade.

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Most definitely Gremlins in 1.52 - since its installation I often have to click a shut/cruise/stop button a couple of time to get it to take effect and this morning all on-screen commands stopped ie point changes as well as the stop/start ones. Restart


of RailMaster fixed. These are all new issues for me and not in 1.50 or 1.51

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RailMaster is a sophisticated piece of software which interacts closely with several aspects of the Windows operating system, including hardware. Each user's Windows installation is unique in that it has different software installed and settings. Different


versions of Windows also work in a different way. It is inevitible therefore that, with a complex piece of software, some users will experience problems. These are normally linked to settings and are straightforward to resolve in a timely manner, but only


if they are brought to our attention.


There are several thousand users of RailMaster and no emails or Help Requests have been received mentioning the issues outlined in this particular thread. This would indicate that RailMaster is being affected by


something unique to your computers.


You should send a Help Request from within the software, which also sends details of your RailMaster settings. Please also include full details of what you were doing, what happened and any system messages that were




Extensive testing was done on version 1.52 and no bugs of this nature were found. Whenever a RailMaster update is released testing has been completed on several dedicated computers running every Windows operating system from XP to 8 including


32 and 64-bit variants. If you have experienced what you describe as "bugs" (i.e. not incorrect settings either within RailMaster or within Windows) then, again, you should send full details of these through the Help Request system including any messages that


are displayed and what you were doing at the time.


Whilst we read the forums, and always have, it is difficult to look into problems which are not brought to our attention directly.


Specifically to DaveAus, you mention that you are "Sticking


to 1.52 but it has bugs". Would you send us a Help Request listing full details of all of the bugs that you are experiencing and we can then look into them.


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