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Loco Speed Issues

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Not sure if this is a DCC or RailMaster issue but I have a class 47 that is very temperamental with speed settings. At 15 mph cruise speed its ok but at little slow 16-24 it goes crazy at an excessive speed - at 25 it settles but is a bit slow. If I set


the cruise at 15 and manually up it to 20 on the PC it's fine. Any ideas ??

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Can't give you specifics but suspect its likely to be something around CV settings and there are many to consider. For a start, is it only an RM problem or is it the same with Elite? Although, having set it up in RM as the particular Class 47 you have,


then RM should have done the standard speed table, back emf and accel/decel settings for you, after which it will be the same no matter which way you control it.


The other funny thing in this is that, with the possible exception of the 8249, it shouldn't


matter what decoder is in there as they should all behave the same, all being to the NMRA spec.


I also know there is a thread in the DCC forum, probably 12 months ago and maybe more, where someone gave detailed instructions on solving this sort of


problem by a structured routine of adjustment of a number of CVs. I can only suggest you try doing a search in there on CV and see what you find.

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