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Is Railmaster and eLink really suitable for the average model railway enthusiast?

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My observation is the whole system is plagued with complexities. Installing drivers. Software regitsration not working. Upgrades not working. Complex processes to install firmware and software. It seems to me you have to be a PC or IT expert to use the


system, when all we really want to do is run our railway.


Is it me, or do Hornby need to go back and think about the average modeller? I'm sure if the systems were more user friendly more people would use them.


Me, well afetr a failed Railmaster


upgrade (having spent weeks previously getting the Elite 1.3 upgrade to work) I have jsut about given up!



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I think it is like everything else. You will always get some people who have problems and again, like everything else, they are the ones who complain. Very few people bother to say - that worked well! This forum is full of problems that people


have had and they are quite right to post them because they need help and that is what the forum is for.


My own experience with RailMaster has been excellent. I have updated it regularly to keep it up to date, although I never use the automatic update


option. My preference is to download the update and install it from my computer.


The support from Hornby, when they are asked is superb.


I enjoy writing a program in RailMaster and then sitting back and watching it run my railway to the commands


I have specified and a lot more efficiently (and consistently) than I can do it myself.

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Wish I could say the same. After trying updates I was without an elite for 2 weeks, and no Railmaster software. And you definitely need to be comfortable with PC Software installation, drivers, ports and other non railway related stuff to even stand a


chance. OK if your hobby / skills is both computers and railways. Maybe that's the point!


Where do you download the update from? I couldnt see it on their website. Hopefully I can do this without getting the licence issue (I ended up having to reinstall


the original software taking me back to a 2011 version...)

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"After trying updates I was without an elite for 2 weeks".


Sounds like your problem was with your Elite, not the software.


To install and use any software surely you have to know your way around a PC, even a little? On one of the first pages


of the RailMaster guide it even says that in red.


If you install the software correctly in the first place, then read the instructions (advisable) you can work your way slowly through the program. It is possibly the most sophisticated thing Hornby have


ever supplied and a short investment in studying it first will reap rewards.


As has already been mentioned on another thread here you can download the new update from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup153.exe.



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LMSTim has provided the link for the update in his post above.

You need to copy that into your browser, press enter and it will download. You can then save it onto your computer. Double clicking the downloaded file will then update RailMaster


on your computer.


LMSTim also makes the very valid point about reading carefully the instructions. I must admit I hate instructions and usually adopt a policy of 'if all fails, read instructions' but not in the case of updating software.


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I got the elite fware to update by removing everything connected to the USB ports except the elite and the mouse.


I also finally managed to get Railmaster 1.53 to run but now I don't see any controllers and there are no Locos in the Loco list.




is seriously spoiling my enjoyment of what is supposed to be a fun hobby!

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Having got the eLink and Railmaster package in the post yesterday you guys are making me feel very twitchy about what to expect when I get a laptop tomorrow and download the software to connect up to my layout sometime over the next few days. (My desktop


PC is too far away from my layout to connect it being in my loft) My experience of dealing with computers is to remember the GIGO effect (Garbage In Garbage Out) and it generally falls to the operator and not the software despite how carefully the operator


thinks they have followed instructions. Not that I am suggesting you are at fault Michael A but generally if all fails pull the switch, get rid of all the offending software etc and start again. Very frustrating and you are probably correct in that the system


might not be suitable to the average model railway enthusiast who is not computer literate in which case it is probably best to revert to the basic DCC layout and come back to it later when any problems are sorted out so that your interest isn't deflected


in the meantime.


My understanding of reading what I have in various forums is that there are identifiable glitches with the software and like all new software (Microsoft Windows is the best or worst example of this with all their updates on new or even


older products) it is best left until a totally new product is put on the market after initial glitches are sorted out before buying it or coming back to using it. I am very new to the concept of DCC let alone eLink and I get the impression that it might be


using the Elite controller in conjunction with the new product that is causing the problems but I could be wrong? I only have the Select controller so I have to basically start again with the eLink unit discarding the Select and hope I don't have the problems


many have experienced - watch this space guys.


It would however be interesting to know how many eLink and Railmasters have been sold worldwide compared to how many complaints have been made in these forums? Those who are happy with the product tend


not to make comments on these forums which I for one have found as a source of nothing but help and tips on what problems to expect and generally how to get around them. Seems to me you would be best contacting Hornby and having a chat with one of their helpful


tech guys before giving up on eLink completely. At 70 years of age I wish I had come back to model railways earlier but these are very interesting times in the concept of running a model railway system a distant cry from the old grey tracked Triang set I was


brought up on as a youngster.

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Well put!

The only thing I disagree with what you have said is that the use of Elite may be causing the problems. I use Elite and RailMaster and I am extremely pleased with them. I prefer to have a controller as well as RailMaster so that I


can take control manually if I want.


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I am pleased to see that you have at least managed to update your Elite and RailMaster to the latest versions.

It makes me wonder if with all the problems you have had (created?) over the last few weeks that some of your data has become



I disagree with you that the software is not fit for purpose. I have it working very well and so do many others. I cannot comment on elink because I use the Elite with RailMaster.


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Ref eLink

I have recently acquired an eLink. I used to (still have) an Elite but I don't use it any more. I have found the eLink to be much easier to install and much more reliable than the Elite. The Elite with Railmaster was okay but I always found


it to be a bit unreliable in operations and I had to resort to "manual control" quite frequently! The eLink / Railmaster combo seems to be much better at handling errors, eLink firmware upgrades are handled automatically and now there is a "heartbeat monitor"


and a software reset button you don't have to spend time constantly rebooting laptop and controllers. So my experience with eLink and Railmaster is excellent so far. I agree driver installs can be a pain (easier with old XP systems) but that is the fault of


Microsoft really for making their systems too hard for the average Joe. But it wouldn't hurt if Hornby signed their driver, it would avoid a lot of hassle... Keep the faith.

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Having said here and elsewhere how RM and e-link were brilliant in nearly every regard - it seems that following RM's update to 1.53 (which seemed fine) something went awry on the firmware update of e-link (to 1.04) and now nothing will work at all. The


penultimate thing Hornby support said was "it may be that the software (on the e-link) has been deleted and we will have to replace the unit" - the vary last thing they said was "we'll have Mark call you back"........ still waiting. R-

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Well in the spirit of balance I have to say Hornby support have been great. I got fed up waiting for the return call so sent the e-link back anyway. I had a call the next day to say that it had been received and having set it up on a W7 computer all seemed


fine. They spent a couple of days trying to "break it" but it seems it resolutely refused to fail! So it seems it must be a W8 issue that I am having. I will have a go at putting it all back together and report back. Must have coffee first though! R-

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