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What is the correct way to programme R8247 point / accessory decoder?


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CV513 should already be at the default setting for operating points. You should not need to alter it unless you are controlling other accessories such as colour light signals.


Hornby Customer Care posted this on the forum in Sep 2011. I don't know


if there have been updates since then.


Programming an R8247 Point & Accessory Decoder with an Elite DCC Controller


1. Plug in the power lead to the R8247 module and connect it directly to the ‘Prog’ slot on the Elite controller

2. Press


the ‘Menu’ button

3. Cycle the dial until ‘Acc’ is displayed and confirm by pressing Control 1

4. Select ‘Direct’ and press Control 1

5. Ensure ‘Address’ is displayed and confirm

6. ‘Write’ will appear and should be confirmed by pressing


Control 1

7. Input the desired address, for example ’61’ and press the control dial to confirm

8. The red LED will then flash numerous times, however, please ensure it flashes less than eight times

9. The R8247 has now been programmed, with


the other 3 ports being programmed as the next three consecutive addresses (e.g. 62, 63 and 64).


The following table lists the CVs that are supported by the decoder with their factory set default values:

CV Usage Value Range Default Value



513 / 1 Decoder Address LSB 1 – 63 15

515 / 3 Port 1 Current Flow Duration 0 – 255 1

516 / 4 Port 2 Current Flow Duration 0 – 255 1

517 / 5 Port 3 Current Flow Duration 0 – 255 1

518 / 6 Port 4 Current Flow Duration 0 – 255 1

519 /


7 Firmware Version (Read Only) 12 (Default) 12 (Default)

520 / 8 Manufacturer Id (Read Only) 255 (Default) 255 (Default)

521 / 9 Decoder Address MSB 0 - 7 0


The default duration for this decoder is 0.1 seconds which is adequate for switching


both the R8014 and R8243 point motors but may not be suitable for other types of point motor or solenoid operated accessories.


This duration can be adjusted by changing the CV for the port to provide a flow for periods ranging from 0.1 seconds to


25.5 seconds. A value of 0.0 seconds will create a permanent flow which allows the decoder to control dual aspect signals with lights that alternate depending on the directional setting.

The standard default address for the R8247 is 1-4. Please note:


There is a read back option for this Point & Accessory Decoder Unit, but it reads back Group Numbering, not the allocated address, please see the next page.

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All covered on pages 58-59 of the current Elite Manual v1.41 which should be used in preference to the 8247 leaflet. And remember that you are entering the group address, not an individual port address, starting with 1, giving port addresses, of 1,2,3,4


then 2 giving port addresses of 5,6,7,8 etc.

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I think I am totally out of my depth. I have no clue what any of this means:


The following table lists the CVs that are supported by the decoder with their factory set default values:

CV Usage Value Range Default Value

513 / 1 Decoder Address


LSB 1 – 63 15

515 / 3 Port 1 Current Flow Duration 0 – 255 1

516 / 4 Port 2 Current Flow Duration 0 – 255 1

517 / 5 Port 3 Current Flow Duration 0 – 255 1

518 / 6 Port 4 Current Flow Duration 0 – 255 1

519 / 7 Firmware Version (Read Only)


12 (Default) 12 (Default)

520 / 8 Manufacturer Id (Read Only) 255 (Default) 255 (Default)

521 / 9 Decoder Address MSB 0 - 7 0


Is 513 / 1 a CV? So wouold you write to CV513 or CV1, and what does LSB 1 - 63 15 mean?

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For controlling points you don't need to write anything to any CVs unless you going to use your accessory decoder for colour light signals or other accessories that need a longer pulse of electricity.

LSB means 'Least Significant Bit' because the decimal


value is 1, the smallest value. Why the NMRA let such computer gobbledygook into the wild is a complete mystery. It's only in recent times with computer programmes, such as JMRI and Railmaster, that such incomprehensible nonsense has been hidden from the user.


It's like having to learn C++ before you can get your PC to work.

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Michael_A said:
Is 513 / 1 a CV? So wouold you write to CV513 or CV1, and what does LSB 1 - 63 15 mean?

I agree, do as Fishy says.

But as an explanation:- CV513 has an alternative address of 1. That's the / 1 part.
1 - 63.

that's the possible range of values
15. is the default value.

Addresses are stored in two CVs (513 and 521) CV513 stores the Least Significant Bit (LSB) and CV521 stores the Most Significant Bit (MSB)

Unfortunately the layout of the table

in Poliss's post has been corrupted by having many of the spaces stripped out (probably by the forum software) which makes it difficult to follow.
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Yes, same as I said. The forum software strips out "unwanted" spaces, so when it was first posted by Hornby was when the problem occurred. Try writing a sentence with 2 or more spaces between words and you'll see what I mean. It's the same on most forums,


in fact IIRC all of those that I use.

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