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R8216 and R8247 - What is the difference


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RDS said:

Apart from 31, could someone please advise me the difference between these 2 points decoders.

The R8216 can only supply a pulse on the outputs. OK for solenoid point motors but not much else. The R8247 can be programmed

to provide a pulse of varying length up to a continuous output so it can be used for solenoids, slow action point motors, light signals, and turntables and so on.
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Yes, do check out poliss's previous post as he included a lot of the Hornby information on these. He included that some early 8247s were labelled as 8216s and how to tell the difference by the date code. And how pre-charging is needed before programming


the 8216.


Interesting re the turntable operation Rog. Have you actually done this? For the Hornby TT, they recommend you use a loco decoder, obviously for the higher current it can provide continuously. So I would have thought that it might be too


much current for the 8247 to handle? Operationally it could be easier to use the 8247 as you would just set its output pulse to be the time to rotate from one track to the next, so start and forget unlike a loco decoder.

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Rog, Poliss and Fishmanoz

Thank you all for your replies.

I was beginning to wonder if the 8216 was just an older model because I can find no reference to it on this Hornby website where the other decoders are detailed.

I will try to find your


posting from a few days ago poliss. I think I read it at the time come to think of it but without thinking I had any particular interest at the time.

I am now thinking I may look at adding a few point motors and decoders now that we may be getting closer


to when detection will be announced?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Picking up on the turntable topic, I use a loco decoder because you can also control the pseed of the turntable rotation. Also the back emf function helps, as the load increases at the stopping points due to the mechanism. Also not sure the point decoder


supplies enough power...the turntable motor is an old X04 type...

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Ref turntable, I think the problem with using R8247 accessory controller is you don't have any control of the output voltage. You have to run the turntable motor quite slowly otherwise it a) is unrealistically fast and b) makes a LOT of noise. Basic 4


function loco decoders are quite cheap and the instructions for using the decoder are quite clear, and RM is set up to expect a loco decoder.

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